
Is my 15 week old teething?

by Guest57228  |  earlier

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My baby boy drools like crazy. He sucks and knaws on his hand constantly. He is a very fusy baby...but has become worse recently.I check his gums but not sure really if i feel any teeth coming in. Do you think he could be teething? How old were your babies when they first started teething?




  1. mine is the same age and he's doing the same thing!  Doc said he's teething.  My problem is that he hates his bottle now.  I guess it hurts him.

  2. Yes ma'am he is teething!!

    give him cold wet wash clothes to chew on. he is probably too young for teething rings.. Good luck... this is the fun part lol.

  3. sounds like our boy are about the same age... and have started teething at the same time!!

    it's hard because they don't really hold teethers or anything on their own, but tylenol and baby orajel have worked wonders for dylan!  also, if you take a washcloth and wet just a part of it, put it in the freezer... and then once its been in there for a lil bit, he can use it as a teether.  he'll have an easier time holding the soft part of it while chewing on the frozen part :)

    good luck. i hear that this is the start of a very longgg process and they might not cut teeth for awhile! :)  

  4. That's around the same age my boy started teething, but the first tooth didn't come out until he was 5 months.

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