
Is my baby moving too much???

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I am 37 weeks prego, my baby has been pretty active my entire pregnancy, but these past two days he has been moving quite a lot, all over the place. I'm pretty sure he has not dropped yet, and i just want to know if this means that something could be wrong because he has never been this active.




  1. you may just be able to feel EVERYYYY movement, i wouldnt worry too much about it, and since ur 37 weeks im sure u go to the obgyn about every week, id just ask when u went in next time. he probably just wants outa there!

  2. it's ok he is probably ready to get out of there casue now he cant move around as much

  3. Well I have to say that u should ask your doctor if he didn't really say to much I would say that your baby is just very active likes to move around it is getting older so yeah well I hoped I helped u out.  

  4. It's better to have them moving more than less, this is a good sign they are healthy, and happy(or mad that they don't have the room!)

    Good luck to you! not to much longer now for you!

    (BTW the only time you should worry is if the movements seem frantic and really violent, then baby could have cord wrapped around the neck, and you'll need to have an ultrasound to make sure all is well, but you will be ale to tell if there is a problem like this, that baby will be moving and jerking so fast nd hard it will hurt and scare you...)

  5. Its fine, he's just probably ready to come out.  

  6. i'm only 22 weeks and 5 days preggo and for the past month my baby has moved non stop my doctor says he frisky lol but he never said it was bad nor was he worried about it. your baby  is just happy or hyper like mine! lol

  7. More than likely, with you being 37-weeks along, the baby is turning to the correct birthing position.  That does not necessarily mean you should have dropped, he's just putting his body into the correct position.  Within 7 to 10-days you may notice that he has "dropped."

    Good luck!

  8. my daughters nickname while i was pregnant was jumping bean, because all she did was move, move, move. Co-workers and people in stores were amazed at the fact that they could she her moving through my shirts. my doctor told me that it was normal

  9. I didnt know a baby could be too active.. Ive never heard of that before?

  10. An active baby is a healthy baby, so there's no need to worry. In most cases like yours, this increased sense of movement is due to a few different things:

    1) the baby is getting bigger

    2) the amniotic fluid is not buffering the baby as much as it used to

    3) the baby is moving into labor position

    All of these are normal at 37w, and don't be surprised if the baby is "more active" when your contractions start, too. No need to worry!

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