
Is my birth control effective?

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I recently had a miscarriage and my doctor put me on Yaz birth control. As I was reading the information for this pill, I noticed it stated you should start the pill on the first day of your period. Well it takes 4 to 6 weeks to begin a regular monthly cycle after a miscarriage, and my doctor wanted me to start the pill immediately. Are these pills going to be effective since I haven't had a menstrual cycle yet? How long do you have to take the pill for it to be effective (as in does it take a month or so to build up in my system??) Does the pill make you feel really light headed, almost like a high feeling?? I don't want to become pregnant again too soon as it may result in another miscarriage. So I need to know if this pill will work for me or if I need a back up method!! Thank you!




  1. my gyno always told me to start my pills after my period. i really don't think that it matters that much when you start, all it will do is delay your period. for the first week that you're on the pill they recommend that you use another form of protection when you have s*x like a condom or something. i've never had issues with being light headed or anything like that and you most likely won't either. just be sure that you take the pill on time and don't accidentally skip any

  2. As you did not start taking the pill while on your period, you should use an alternate source of birth control until you start your second pack.  Generally birth control becomes effective within 7 days, but because you were not on you period when you started, it is impossible to tell when you may ovulate, and if the pill will be effective by then.

    The pill should not cause light headedness, and if it does you should talk to your doctor, as the brand you are using may not be right for you.

    Due to the high stakes, I recommend that you use an alternate form of birth control until you start your second pack of pills.

  3. Ok to answer your first question...I know when i began taking the pill I was indeed lightheaded, had night sweat, breast swelling, etc. So that's probably your body getting used to the hormones, but I would check with your doctor to be sure.

    As far as backup methods, yes. The pill takes about a month for you body to get used to it. So for the first month use back up method. They should've told you this @ your apt.  

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