
Is my boyfriend g*y????

by  |  earlier

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hes always on the phone with guys... when i ask who he talking to he says my cousin... when were out shopping he goes right to the woman's section and gets stuff for me... on our compute, he has pictures of "really good looking guys"...

i have her rumors but

i need help

maybe he is... im so confused





  1. To be honest he might be but if you really wanna know tell him that your scared for your realtionship and just come out and ask him hope i helped alittle sorry if i didn't

  2. I wasn't sure until you said the part about the pictures of guys on the computer - he's most likely g*y.

  3. I think that in a relationship if you  really trust someone you wouldn't even think of something like that. But if it deeply bothers you...ASK HIM.

  4. there i differnt tipes of g*y guys yiu now

  5. umm.. maybe yeah.. but ask yourself: why would he be with you if he was g*y??

    but i think he is..


  6. Just ask him if he is g*y.

  7. Wow. Yes. That's rather suspicious.

    Just from this, I'd have to say yes, sorry.

    But I don't know him, so I can't say for sure.

    The only way you'll know is if you ask him.

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