
Is my boyfriend schitzophrenic?

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Ok my b friend told me he was committed about 10 years ago for 30 days and the told him he was schitzophrenic. He's one of these people who is always joking so I'm not sure whether to believe him or not. Is there any way to find out for sure? Also if he is what are the symptoms? He has a very bad temper sometimes. We may go two or 3 weeks and things are great then something will set him off. Usually something stupid. h**l get withdrawn and very irritable and just acts odd. Almost like a little kid who throws tantrums. After a couple of days everything is back to normal.




  1. It sounds like he probably is a paranoid schizophrenic. I hope he's taking his meds and getting therapy.

  2. You might check out these websites:

    They have a lot of very good information on schizophrenia.  The first three websites have booklets in pdf format that you can download and save for future reference.

    There is also an excellent book, "Surviving Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Patients, and Providers" by E. Fuller Torrey, Fifth Edition.  I know Barnes & Noble has it. only has the 4th edition.  That is very good reading and tells a lot about schizophrenia.

  3. It's possible.  There are high functioning schizophrenics and some paranoia could indicate it.  Then again, he could have other issues.  If he is schizophrenic, he is probably taking antipsychotics to manage the illness.  If he is, it still doesn't seal the diagnosis.  People with bipolar, depression, anxiety and sometimes sleep disorders or personality take them, too.  Talk to him directly.  That's the best way for you to get the answer.

    PS - If he's not on any medication and has not been on any for a long time, he probably is not schizophrenic.  Then, it sounds more like a personality disorder, but no one here can say!  The question, however, is whether or not he's being honest with you about taking meds.

  4. the symptoms would be talking to himself... acting scared, paranoid, etc..

    you should read more about it.

    maybe he should see a psychiatrist? they could prescribe him some meds.

    good luck and i hope this helps-

  5. According to the additional details you supplied, this sounds just like the recent story line on Hollyoaks. The symptoms of the boy on Hollyoaks (which by the way - he's a schizophrenic) are very similar to the ones of your boyfriends, however I'm not a Doctor of any kind so you should probably check first whether he was joking or not! Hope I helped x

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