
Is my cartilage infected?

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I got my cartilage pierced about 3 weeks ago and I've been cleaning it with sea salt water and all that but now I have a giant bump on my ear that isn't going away. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Someone who is experienced and not going to tell me to wash it with alcohol or something please.




  1. if it is hurting or oozing anything go see your doctor. Otherwise just wait a few days to a week and see if it goes down. if it does not go to your doctor for advice.

  2. The bump is normal...I have the same thing.  It is like a cyst...if you feel you ear lobe piercing without and earring and you feel that little bump...that's what that bump in your cartilage is, but you just feel it more because that area is thinner than the rest of your ear.  Just keep cleaning it, and don't take the earring out for 3 months...the bump will go way down, but will never totally disappear.  If the bump becomes hot or hurts...that means it's infected and you should see a dr.

    hope that helps.

  3. its your ear rejecting the piercing, you may have to take it out let it heal and start all over again

  4. what is a cartilage  

  5. Anisya is right, i had the same thing, a hugeeeee bump, it went down in a couple of days now i have a teeny bump

  6. ok. My friend has hers done. And she told me about it. She went back to the piercing place. They told her is was normal. And that It would go away.

  7. Give it time, if it's still there in about a month go talk to your piercer...especially in cartilage piercings the little bump is normal.

  8. If it's not oozing yellow/greenish pus, it's not infected. That bump is most likely a keloid. Those are very common w/ cartilage piercings. It may go away if you keep up w/ the sea salt soaks, but I doubt it. Those are usually there to stay. Don't worry, it's not going to hurt you in any way at all.  

  9. you've either got a hypertrophic scar or a keloid. Its more likely that its the first, as keloids are not as common as hypertrophic scarring. Both are very common with cartilage piercings.

    hypertrophic scars will usually go down with application of diluted tea tree oil and use of emu oil massaged into the area.

    I highly doubt that you have an infection. infections area characterized by the following:

    green, brown red or some other unusual color secretion (clear, white and yellowed are normal and signs of healing!!!)

    increased redness in the area

    hot/burning sensation to the touch

    foul odor

    it would probably be a good idea for you to go back to the piercer and have them look at the bump, as they will be able to quickly and easily identify exactly what the bump is.

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