
Is my cat dying? Please read..?

by  |  earlier

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I'm really worried. I've been crying for the past ten minutes.. it's a girl. And she's only four years old. And I really love her. She seems live less, and sleeps a lot.. barely eats, and drinks water sometimes. I don't want her to go.. I love her so much.




  1. take her to the vet...

  2. why haven't you taken her to the vet? it could be something that's easily treated but could be serious if left too long

  3. Get her to the emergency vet.  NOW

  4. I usually don't come back with this answer, but....take her to the vet. Something is wrong, but I couldn't diagnose what, of course.

    If you don't think it can wait until Monday, then take her to a pet emergency clinic.

    No one online is going to be able to tell you what's wrong, just by those symptoms...but something isn't right.

    If she doesn't drink, her kidneys will fail, and that is NOT a pretty sight, so get her to the vet the sooner the better.

  5. Instead of crying TAKE HER TO THE VET NOW!!!

  6. If you've not taken her to the vet, WHY!????  Those are the people trained to help pets, not us.

  7. Well, if she is a premature cat that's ok its normal i promise if not you need to take it to the vet,get her exercises she will get really hungry but sometimes your going to let it do its thing it really needs to be seen ASAP

  8. Cats are living creatures, and, just like humans, can get sick and require veterinary care. Left untreated, many illnesses can become life threatening. If a 20 y/o human got sick and medical care with ignored or withheld, this would surely be considered criminal. The same holds true for pets. Please take the cat to the vets immediately.

  9. Do you have any idea why she is acting this way? I would at least call if not take her to the vet. Has she been under stress or maybe she has problems dealing with the heat because it is summer. Good luck and I hope your kitty will be okay. If she is expecting kittens she may be getting ready to give birth when my cat had her kittens she did not eat or drink anything for a day or two before she had them. I think they do that so they don't go potty while they are giving birth.

  10. Aw, thats awful. I understand, how you feel as i just had my cat put to sleep, at just 4.

    I think you should take her to the vets. Has she been castrated?

    Good luck, Hope she gets better soon xxxx

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