
Is my fish unnaturally fat?

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I have a sucker fish, I'm not sure what kind, so if anyone can identify him from the pictures please tell me what he is.

Anyway, he is fat. I think he is unnaturally fat, and lumpy, but I don't know what is wrong with him.

He is in a tank with...7 other fish, so is he just getting fat because he has more to eat?

Is he a she?




  1. He might be eating too much.. Or she could have eggs in her.. I dont know but yeah..

    If thats a chinese algae eater (it looks like it to me) It will get aggressive when its bigger, and suck slime off your fish, or it will try to.I had two of them..

    Do you feed your fish sinking pellets? your sucker fish might have eaten a few by itself and got fat, thats if its not pregnant that is.  

  2. I honestly don't know the answer, but I can tell you this much, that fish is NOT pregnant. That fish is an egg layer, NOT an live bearer and fish that are non live bearers DO NOT BECOME IMPREGNATED!!!

    It appears as if it's swallowed something very large or it may have an intestinal blockage.  Not sure.  Maybe Soop will come along and answer.  I'll star this so he can see, but that fish is NOT pregnant, and egg layers wouldn't become impregnated to begin with, that's why they LAY EGGS.

    Thank you Soopy!!

    That is the answer to follow!!!

  3. i think your fish is pregnant

  4. yes she looks pregnant to me.   she will lay her eggs, but the eggs are just going to mold. they arn't going to hatch (sorry) because there is no male to fertilize the eggs. female egg layers will always constantly have eggs growing with or without the male present, there only needs to be a male to fertilize the eggs. so yes, your fish ca be pregnant, even without another fish of its species in the tank, but no, the eggs wont hatch without the male.

  5. Shes Pregnant hun!! Its a girrl BTW. lol. I guess you figured that out. And the fish is a Lisies. I might of spelt it wrong.

  6. I can't comprehend how anybody could say it's pregnant, considering Chinese Algae Eaters lay eggs; they do not get pregnant (maybe semantics).  The shape of the abdomen is definitely not normal.  I had a gold variety of the same fish with the same problem, and am fairly certain it is dropsy.  These fish have fine scales (similar to Catfish and Loaches), and any medication, salt, or other contaminants in the water will affect them more adversely than other fish.  The best thing to do in this case would be more frequent water changes, and add 1/4 teaspoon of epsom salt per 10 gallons.

    There is also a possibility that it is an infestation of internal parasites multiplying out of control, leading to the bulging.  If this is the case, the fish will tend to pass stringy, white f***s, or none at all.  Metronidazole, Flagyl, Hexamit, or similar medications should be used, and if possibly, be added to the fish's food (if it is still eating).  Remove any activated carbon from the filter during treatment.  Best of luck with the little guy.

  7. it can be your over feeding it or its probably natural to that sucker fish.

  8. it is probably a girl because it looks like she is pregnant. that would explain the lumps. the lumps are the eggs that will come out then the will hatch out of the egg. she is probably going to have them soon. that is probably why she is on the rock. getting ready to have the eggs. she may have gotten pregnant from some fish at the store(depending on how long ago you got her).

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