
Is my gerbil alright?

by  |  earlier

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Hello. I just got a gerbil a week ago. At first, it was cool. However, now all he does is sleep. He only comes out when he wants to drag some card board or food into his cage. Also, he exercises very little. Is he okay ?




  1. Gerbils tend to sleep a lot.  They  have their periods of a lot of activity and periods of almost no activity.  I have five gerbils right now and they do the same thing.  Is your wheel big enough for them?  If it's too small they may not use it.  

    They love to chew on things so give them a lot of toilet paper tubes, anything with plain cardboard, manila folders ripped up, plain paper towels, or napkins.  

    Gerbils can get bored very easy so make sure he has enough things to chew on to keep him busy.  

  2. Gerbils tend to have a series of short naps over the day. He may also be exercising at night, however if he gets fat then it may be worth taking him to a vet

  3. gerbils do the same thing.

    i went to see an expert on gerbils and they say its normal.
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