
Is my hamster scared...?

by  |  earlier

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We've been having alot of bad weather in HOng Kong, where i live. Especially lightning and thunder. My apartment is quite small. About 900 and something square feet. I was wondering if hamsters get scared of lightning and thunder. I don't think he's scared right now cuz he acts normal. But in case he does, how do i calm him down? Hope you can answer my question. Thanks! =]




  1. They never get scared, you can throw them way up in the air and then catch them and it doesn't seem to frighten them at all, don't stomp on them with your boots because that will definitely scare them or even kill them.

  2. send him somewhere where there is no storms.  If you love him, let him go.

  3. Hamsters are animals that are genetically used to live in the wild where rain, thunder and lighting is very common. So your hamster would not get affected by all of these. However your duty is to make sure that you provide him with lots of bedding so that when he hears thunder and rain, he would have more space to burrow into, since that is what they do in the wild to protect themselves from inclement weather. He might squeak or burrow more than normal but you can ignore it since it is only his reaction to the sounds and he would get back to normal once the rains stop.

  4. Hamsters come from the wild which means they have witnessed many storms in there lives. Just let him be.

  5. No...he's fine!

    Just let him be :)

  6. He won't don't worry there not like dogs.

  7. you gotta remember they are animals and are from the he does get scared **** it ..if he was livin outside he would be in his little hole sleeping...girl go get a boyfriend...lmao

  8. put a cloth over his cage .... and do his fave thing while the storms are going off.... if he was born durring storm season for you he wont be as scare as being born right at the end of storm season :) look luck with your HAM HAM :)

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