
Is my house haunted..?

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So my mom is starting to be on the verge of an alcoholic, and we're all trying to stop her before she gets there. So last she was in the kitchen cooking, and her win glass was on the other tables [behind her] and it fell over. No one else was in the kitchen except for us two, and nothing else could of done it. My mom and I were talking and she said that maybe it's her parents telling her to stop drinking.

Also, at night , I get really scared in my room, like I'm not even afraid of the dark or anything. Sometimes I hear my keyboard typing by itself and my computer [when it's off] makes weird noises, like someones flicking it, it makes a weird cracking noise.

And now, everytime I go down to the kitchen I hear weird noises, and my dog will start to freak out and bark so loud.





  1. mmmm..... its definately not ur house ''settling''!!!!

    it must be that ur house is indeed haunted...if u want to get rid f the ghost, then try calling an exorcist, some of the ghosts can be wild, so dont take risks!!!

    if they r ur grandparent's ghosts, then there is no way of them harming u.... but this cud even be the activity of a poltergeist (cunning spirits)

    they r said to do all such stuff at night times, opening closet doors, moving the furnitures, playing around ur house....

  2. Your mom knows she has a problem and she is wanting a sign to stop.. We can see signs and omens in anything and everything all we have to do is believe something is a sign.

    I saw a cartoon one time where a man and his wife were walking on the beach and the man saw some drift wood and told his wife that was a sign that he should quit his job and go live life as a drifter.

    Sometimes things fall and we do not know why at the time but there is always a natural cause for it if we just look. sometimes a piece of drift wood is just a piece of wood nothing more.

    I think you are scared because you have an active imagination.

    Dogs react to what they see us feeling.  Your dog senses your fear and  therefore barks and is scared along with you.

    Your mother  will only stop drinking when she realizes she has a problem and decides to  do something about it.

  3. I live in a home that was built in l865.  It is a large victorian--wood, and it creaks, I hear footsteps and have three cats and a dog that look into nowhere all at the same time.  I decided that since I have lived here for l7 years, anything or anybody that is here with me is just sharing my home.  Since it can catch you offguard when you hear a noise, I decided to add pets.  Now, when I hear a noise I am not sure of or don't know where it comes from, I decide it's one of the animals, because it could be, and it helps me get through the noises and strange things that are un explainable.  You can be pretty sure that if you have had no truly negative experiences, even if there are spirits in your home, if they haven't hurt you by now, they are just sharing your space.  AT least that is how I deal with it.  I hope this helps you a little.  Very seldom would a spirit try to harm you if you have been coexisting for awhile.  The upside of the whole thing in my estimation is that if there are spirits that are with you, perhaps they are there to protect you or to join in your life in an unobtrusive way.  Nobody likes to be alone all t, perhaps this is true on the other side.  Dogs can start barking at any strange time, even if they hear a noise we don't hear.  They sometimes bark just because they see a shadow of a candle flickering.  Until you have really negative experiences

    , relax.  One time, I heard my husband coming upstairs in his work shoes, shortly after he had already gone to work.  I thought he forgot something and shouted"honey, what did you forget"  there was no reply, so I went to the stairs, and he wasn't there, and I did hear footsteps on the stairs.  I called a friend who was a cop, she raced over, gun drawn, thiking it was an intruder, we searched the house and it was nothing. But I did hear the footsteps clearly.  I have determind that many things truly happen that there are no obvious reasons for, and although I was a bit rattled, okay, very rattled, the decision I made was that if I was supposed to understand, I would--it was the easiest way to handle the situation for me.

  4. not haunted....VISITED.   Pets are totally sensitive to that stuff.

  5. it sounds like it is i have had something similar to that myself and it freaks me out my cat freaks out a lot  i feel like i am being stared at a lot and things fall down with no reason and my cats do not do it   what you need to do is bless your house with a cross and tell the spirit that this house is protected by Jesus Christ and you have to believe in what you are saying and pour salt all around where the spirir has been and tell them they are dead and go to the light.  I talked to my priest about this and said this may work   good luck You may have to do this a few times but it worked for me  and hang a cross at the entrance of your door to protect your home I have crosses all over my house and I feel safe

  6. there is a great possibility.I lived in a house that was haunted so i should know.There is also the possibility that it is her parents telling her to stop drinking,but if you get scared in your room,and your dog barks at things like that,i would highly advise professional help,because at that rate,it seems like the presence there is pretty strong

  7. yes, believe it or not, animals do have sixth sense.and they get really sensitive to things like this

    you might want to figure out why and how this is happening.

    *get professional help, because sometimes, it may not be best to deal with this by yourself.

  8. I suggest leaving your computer on during the time of day you usually hear the typing, with ms word running. Make sure to turn off the monitor. You never know, you may just get a response to this very question.  

  9. If your mother knows she has a problem with alcohol, then she needs to see a professional about it.

    She can even go into out-patient care at a lot of facilities.

    When the glass tipped over, was anyone walking across the floor?

    Some people have a heavy foot and you can hear them walking across a carpeted floor.

    When electronics cool off, they will tend to make that crackling noise.

    Especially if you've been off the computer for less than an hour.

    Those metal components get pretty hot.

    My birds will freak out before an earthquake or tremor rumble through. So if you live in an area near a fault line, maybe your dog is reacting to that.

  10. possibly...

    might want to figure who and why.

  11. You need to pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your mother from all harm and danger. Then you need to command those demon spirits to leave you, your mom and your house alone in the name of Jesus Christ. I also think you should ask a pastor for his help and advise about the situation. Also importantly to note is that your mom alcoholism could be related to the demonic occurences in some way. Or it could be that the demon is attached to that particular house or property. Take care and God bless!!!

  12. If you are scared all you have to say is "I am a child of God.  You cannot hurt me.  Now GET OUT!! in the name of Jesus Christ, my savior."

    Sounds too easy right?  Well, it does.  But it works.  As long as you believe.

  13. Do you think your mom is putting alcohol in your food and stuff? Maybe thats why strange experiences happen in the kitchen and when you go to sleep because your body is reacting to it, she may even be giving it to the dog which is why is barking randomly. Does she use other drugs? Maybe everyone is getting a contact. Alcoholics are crazy and will do anything to get people to leave them alone and to distract them from their problem. I know they are everywhere in my family. I mean your house may still be haunted but you can never be sure what is going on when there is a raging drunk around and they are always the first person I ask because they always know something.  

  14. It is time that your family seek professional help. I would also ask your mother what is bothering her and see if it has something to do with the house.
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