
Is my husband a lier?

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On the computer he supposly was looking at p**n and did you know what by watching it. I asked him about looking at p**n and he said yes. He said he deleted history as soon as he finished watching p**n before I came home from work. The next day I check history for the day before and I know I was the computer the day before looking some things up on the internet. After I asked him about looking at p**n he said yes he went deleted the history. So my question is why would he lie and said he deleted after looking at p**n. I know darn well he deleted after I asked him about looking at p**n because the stuff I looked up for that day is not in that history file for that day.




  1. yeah, he lied.  so what???  i can think of MUCH bigger things my husband could lie about.

  2. he may have gone back and deleted it again?

  3. He's a LIAR.  An A$$HOLE.  A JERK!  And. . .WOMBAT!   KICK HIM TO THE CURB!  Well. . .at least. . .I would.  I have NO patience for deceiving jerk-offs!  

    Now that you KNOW all this you pretty much have only this last query to consider and ponder. . .and that is. . .HOW MUCH ARE YOU WILLING TO PUT UP WITH?!?   Once you've answered THAT question. . .you'll know how to proceed!   Right?!

  4. My husband said he wasnt looking at p**n. I found it in the history. He said it was a pop up that he clicked on. Every time I turned on the computer, p**n would pop up over the screen. We had to buy a new computer because nothing could fix it.

    I suggest if he is that involved with p**n, you ask him to get a job, or to clean the house, or make dinner. You shouldn't be out working while he's looking at p**n. Some women don't think it's cheating, but I do!

  5. yes, he is a liar.

  6. yes he is a liar! Get rid of him!  

  7. maybe he meant to but forgot

  8. he probably just felt stupid for getting caught about it.

    WHY DO GUYS FEEL THE NEED TO WATCH p**n?!!!!! I'll never understand it

  9. Sounds like he was doing some fibbing for sure... I don't know why he would lie though, because he was looking at p**n and even admitted it to you so why even bother trying to delete it when you already know he was looking at it... Might there have been something else there he didn't want you to see...

  10. Well its natural that men likes to look at pron. But then, one thing..

    if its natural for human beings to look at that, wwhy should your husband lie?

    no 1. Maybe he is scared that you might feel uncomfortable

    and no 2. of course, every wife would not like their husband to look at p**n, ..also looking at p**n makes the wife uncomfortable right??

    So why look at it? I suggest if you caught him looking at it again, lying to you,... then you should take action. Just talk to him and tell how you feel, your feelings that he lied to you. Good luck in it.. All da' best

  11. When I look at your details  the results he is perfectly normal.

    Whatever the reasons wasn"t reason.


  12. I don't think it really matters when he deleted the history.  He admitted to you that he looked at the p**n.  If it doesn't bother you, there shouldn't be a problem.  If it does bother you then you should speak honestly with him about how you feel.  The rest is just nit-picking.

  13. Maybe he is embarrassed by it or does want children to find it (if you have children).  Maybe he did not feel you were open enough to accept it at first and does it out of habit.  Why don't you trust your husband?

  14. Missy, its not his fault p**n sites are on the internet. Have you ever seen those p**n sites...those girls are SPECTACULAR! Its hard not to visit them! Be understanding and loving to your husband and ask him to TRY and not look at them.

    He loves you and he knows those girls are just a fantasy.

  15. So was the history deleted, or not?

  16. This is my take -  He was looking at p**n and you almost or did catch him in the act.  He probably always deletes history after he is finished.. lol.. looking at p**n.  I think it is cool he told you.  Now if you know he looks at pron and pleasures himself I am not sure why he would delete history unless he is wondering if you would not approve of the p**n he was looking at.  But there are many types of p**n and many categories. Perhaps he was telling the truth, maybe you just do not know what kind of p**n.  Maybe he felt embarrassed about what he was looking at.  I think it is cool he told you what he was looking at and what he did.  Not many guys would have the guts to say.  :)

  17. You need to talk this over with your husband, not us!

  18. So go to Kim Komando's web site and look for a keystroke logger, or do a Google search for one, and install it on the computer.  Then even if he deletes the history, every keystroke he types or receives will be saved and emailed to an email address that you specify.

    If all he's doing is looking at p**n .... and if he admitted it when you asked him if that's what he was doing .... then he isn't a liar at all.  He admitted it already.  And yes, even if he admitted it he would still want to delete the history as well as the temporary internet files so that the pictures from the p**n wouldn't be showing up unexpectedly.

  19. You believe you can determine if he is cheating the quantity of ejaculation? How do you measure it? This is fascinating. How much does it increase per day w/o s*x? There must be a curve, I mean the male body can hold so much, right? So after a few days, you must be full - up, do you know how much is full up?

  20. From what I was able to decipher from your post...

    He was looking at p**n and admitted it. He said he deleted the history, which he appearantly did.

    So where is the lie you're talking about??

    It is a good idea to delete your history and temporary internet files after visiting p**n sites, since they often will put "cookies" and other c**p in your system. Deleting the files will *usually* get rid of it. So what's the problem?

  21. your man is embarrassed about all the p**n he is looking at. Tell him to knock it off. men get carried away with that c**p and that is what it is c**p.

  22. He got caught looking at p**n and jacking off, oh my God! He was embarrased. All these people saying you should divorce him for that? I wonder how many really would.

  23. Yes!

  24. He didn't want to upset you, it's not a big deal just check it now and again to make sure in case he forgets.

  25. Maybe he did but I'm sure YOU have never lied about something you were embarassed over right?

  26. Maybe he's telling truth. Maybe he is looking at p**n, and the reason he keeps deleting the history is because he'd be embarrassed to have you find out that it's g*y p**n. Ever think about that? It's always those you'd least suspect.

  27. Maybe he felt your were upset about it so he deleted it out of respect of your feelings. He already admitted it so why else would he erase it when he knows you saw it.

  28. He deleted because he knows it was wrong. So so many people go on and on about how "normal" p**n is....yet the vast, vast majority of men who engage in looking at p**n HIDE it from their partners. See, I'm of the mind set that if it ain't wrong in any way, why the need to sneak and hide? Best really to nip it in the bud early. This sort of thing can, and does, spiral out of control in a lot of relationships. If you're ok with him looking at p**n, and only take issue with the lying, tell him so. If you're not ok with him looking at p**n AND you take issue with the lying, tell him that too. Communication. It's the grown up way to solve problems.  

  29. If you have children, it's possible he doesn't want to expose them to p**n. They may be searching for "Princess And The Pea" (the fairy tale about the stacked mattresses with the pea in between one of them, to determine whether a girl is a real princess or not) and come up with something ENTIRELY different..

    On the other hand, he could be a liar and is looking up something that is particularly deviant, and doesn't want you to know what it is.

  30. he's doing more than looking at p**n, he's chatting to women and doing cyber s*x lol!  online dating sites, too!

    I'd divorce him, people who whack off to p**n instead of making love to their spouse are losers...

  31. if hes looking at p** you have a problem with that? Coz theres nothing wrong with p**n unless its illegal stuff.

    or are you afraid hes not looking at p**n as much as checking out things like dating sites? Or maybe hes looking at really bizarre p**n and he doesnt want you to know?

    Either way..when someones lying..its usually a bad sign :(
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