
Is my husband just curious?

by  |  earlier

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aboout 12months ago I found a profile on an adult dating site of my was very hard to read as he had asked for any woman/girl and said he wanted to taste everything...he had replied to about three girls and also to a swingers club to ask "what happens from here"...when confronted he told me he was just curious...i researched some more and found he had 2 other profiles on adult dating sites!! We have 4 kids and have been together for 17yrs..married for 9yrs.....started to tell me that he has had a ffm threesome when we were separated 14yrs i said this all started about a year ago, i can't seem to trust him though and find myself searching his laptop every chance i get....which is very clean by the i am scared he is not the man he seems to be.




  1. If you read my previous questions you will see that I have been in this predicament.

    When guys get on these sites they say they just want to look but the problem is that they then talk to these women and the next natural step is meeting and then whatever else happens.

    If the computer is clean it's because he is cleaning it out so you don't find anything. Try to install keystroke capture or a program like  it. It will let you know where he's been and his passwords and everything. It's supposed to be invisible. I haven't tried it yet but  have considered it.

  2. A LOT of people have diseases. Do you REALLY want to be on the receiving end of whatever he might come home with?

    Or perhaps you enjoy being a rug so he can wipe his dirt on you?

  3. OMG! Are you me? I have 4 kids ...have been with my husband for 17 years and have been married 9 years. Wow that is just a coincidence. My husband was talking to this girl at work. She was calling here and hanging up on me.I went to his work and caught them together at the car.I know how you feel.I do not trust my husband. Even though you only have proof on the computer.If he will go as far as to set all that up I would say that he would go as far as to meet them in person and mess around.Sorry to say I think he is more than just curious.

  4.   If I found out my husband had been doing this, I would have to assume he was out to cheat.  I mean, it would be possible that he was just creating profiles for fun, but I would have to go with the simplest solution on this one.  There' no way I would be filling out profiles on a dating site if I did not want my husband to think I was cheating.  It's just the natural conclusion and the one I would go with just so I didn't go crazy overthinking it.

  5. I AM A DUDE. And speaking as a dude I would say your husband is hoping to/ and getting laid somewhere else.

    In my ears, the words "curious" means itch. Especially when it comes to all things related to the opposite s*x. So what he really means is that he has an itch that he wants scratched by someone other than you. Have him read this answer because I just Sherlocked his ***...

  6. i think if he was just curious maybe he'd share it with you or something. maybe you should talk to him and get him to be completely honest with you.

  7. It sounds more like he's not the man you think he is.He sounds like he is finally just decided it is time to stop hiding his true self.Because if he didn't want you to know what he was up to,all the searching in the world on your part would have not found anything.

  8. He gave you a great answer..... I bet he wold have acted if the right person would have time...catch him.... either get a friend too or you can.... play a game with him...then arrange to met him ..... I bet he will never fill out another profile on a  dating site after you confront him...  

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