My husband and I got into an argument about week ago. He has been staying out late every night (between 10pm and 4am). He says that he is helping his cousin fix up her house, or watching her, kids, or something along those lines. But I haven't been buying it. At fist I didn't think anything of this, but he's been over there everyday straight from work until late at night. Every time I said anything to him through out this time...I would joke about him coming home late (hoping he would take the hint). I would ask if I could go with him the next time he went to his cousin's house (its not like I haven't been there before). But there was always an excuse as of why I couldn't or shouldn't go. The past three weeks I had been working two jobs, and I finally found a job that will give me more money for less hours, but of course they have sent me away for four weeks for training (i get to come home on weekends). Before I left....over the weekend.....I got really upset that he came home late ....again...and this time....I blew up. I couldn't take it anymore...I asked him if he was cheating on me....(he said no)....I asked his if he was unhappy with me (he said he didn't know)....That's when I lost it....I couldn't believe he wasn't happy....not just that....but he never said that he wasn't happy...he just left. I tried to get him to tell me why...what have I done...and he told me that I've this one father died (5 weeks after our wedding)....I had a miscarriage.....I lost my job....and we had his friend and their family move in with us. Yes! Everything has changed...Well needless to say he left the next day...and didn't come back. I rented a car for my I drove to his cousin's about 2am....and he was there.....we talked for a while, but he was still upset with me. He came back home around 6am hour before I was supposed to leave for my business training....of course we "made up" or atleast I thought we did. I've been away since Monday, and today is thursday/friday...I have not talked to or seen my husband. I called hime once and he was...of course at his cousin's house at 1am....he told me that he had taken her to a 24 hour supermarket to get food. When I asked him if we could talk ....he said he didn't want to talk to me at that moment. I haven't heard from him since. I am home at 12am and he has still not come home, and he left his phone here at home. We have been married for almost a year...our anniversary is next week. I'm going crazy...what is going on?? Not to mention I'm I'm really worried about this family that I thought we were building, and now we are falling apart :( I don't know what to do....I've written him letters...spoke to him at calm times about our feelings....asked him straight out...and have had full blown arugments...well I yelled and he just ignored me. HELP!