
Is my lizard sick?

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I just got a juvenile long-tailed grass lizard. When I got him two days ago he seemed active and alert, and pretty healthy except for the fact that he only ate one of the crickets I gave him after 24 hours. Anyways, I came home one day to find that my lizard had hidden himself under his food bowl. I could only see the tip of his tail, and when I poked it he recoiled, so I figured he was okay. Then, fourteen hours later, he was still under the bowl in his exact same spot. He was so still, my mom and I thought he was dead. I lifted the bowl and he scampered to a corner of his tank, so he wasn't dead after all. My mom and I worried though that he may be sick. If he had wanted a cool, dark space to hide, he could have hidden in his little hollow log. Is this normal behavior for a lizard?




  1. I'd take him for a vet check-up. And maybe check the temp, maybe it's to warm for him and the bowl is cold?.

  2. the water bowl is cool to the touch.. .try putting some smooth rocks in there that he can hide under.also may be a sign of dehydration. make sure you are keeping his tank super moist and misting it several times a day... not too much at a time though. get a humidity reader and keep it at about 70% when you mist it... i dont think he is sick though. you only got him two days ago.. he probably wont eat much right now because he is stressed out... you just tossed him into a new enviornment and he is probably scared. give all new animals at least two weeks to properly adjust to their new surroundings and if they are still acting awkward after that then you should worry about an illness.

  3. Is the temperature and humidity of his tank high enough?  It should be at least 70 degrees F and 70% humidity.  Is he getting the correct diet?  Long-tailed grass lizards also need UVB rays from a reptile lamp to absorb calcium.  

    If you think he is sick, take him to an veterinarian that specializes in exotic reptiles.  However, it just might be that the environment is not to his liking.

  4. it's normal. think of it as hide and seek!

  5. it could be due to stress but even more likely is this....

    More often than not the smaller lizards like that..grass lizards, anoles  and sometimes even iguanas are sold at a pet store with internal parasites.

    A pet store rarely treats a reptile for parasites before they sell it.....they almost NEVER DO!

    In breeding these lizards they are usually kept in mass a puppy mill for lizards.....

    so the chance that your lizard has internal parasites is at least 50%

    I would call the pet store and ask them if they are treated or even checked before sold.

    Now im not trying to bum you out but it really is another option if you are keeping all the lights and temps right....somethin to think about....if you have any questions let me know

  6. its proably not hot enough

  7. The hiding in one spot for several hours is perfectly normal. My blue tongue skink slept in the same spot for almost 20 hours once.  Remember that you just got him an that there will be a period of adjustment to the new environment, Make sure the rest of the tank is the correct temps and if there are, then you really shouldn't worry he should acclimate in a couple of days to a week.  And just because you gave him a log to hide in doesn't mean that is where he will choose to hide.  Good luck.

  8. I suspect that you are not keeping it warm enough.

  9. was he with other grass lizards because he might just be scared in his new cage
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