
Is my mom being fair?

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Ok just now im on the computer and shes calling me from like 2 rooms away and i was in the middle of something on the computer like i was about to get off i just needed like 30 more seconds..anyway she usually calls me cuse our dogs are playing to rough and i have to come get them so i said hold on and was about to 1 min later she comes in and starts screaming at me and shes like i was calling you for toliet paper..i needed some and you didnt bring me any so now your grounded tommorow..witch now i have to cancel all my plans and the thing is she could have got toliet paper out of the storage 2 feet away..but she treats me as a now im grounded for not bringing her toliet paper...i told my dad and he started laughing...ok...this can not be not to mention im 17 im not some 12 year old that never listens




  1. I'm with your parents here.  

    You are grounded for not moving.  If you are a normal 17 y/o (like all mine . . .) then your 30 sec or one minute is closer to five or ten minutes.  

    Sorry bud.  A mother in need, you should heed!  

    That's funny stuff!

  2. Definitely not fair.

    Granted, legally your parents own you till you're 18. They act like you owe them in perpetuity for all they "do for you." (May I layer that with enough sarcasm and venom? really?) Never you mind that the government at every level would have plenty to say to them if they didn't. Never you mind the fallout from their own parents and families if they didn't. No, it's all YOUR PERSONAL FAULT how much they do and blah blah blah...

    Their thirty seconds will always be more important than your thirty seconds, just because they've gone through more thirty seconds than you have and for no other reason. Well, excepting perhaps the reason that they've forgotten what it was like to be you, and are now on the same whimsical power-trip their own parents were on, that they've now forgotten what it was like to be on the receiving end of.

    You existing to hand her toilet paper is not at all the same as how HER parents were, oh no.  *eyeroll*

  3. Whoa, NOT FAIR. She should've laughed about it too. Was she having a bad day? But she could've gotten it from the storage thingy. You should not be grounded. Ask your dad if she is serious and if you are really grounded.

  4. Well, I've struggled with this alot too, and I would say the best thing is to just get up and find out what they need as quickly as possible and get it done. If you wait and find out it  would've been easy, it's still gonna take longer, as they have to ask why you wouldn't come in the first place. So yeah, yelling "WHAT?" may work depending on your parents, but otherwise just get up and try to get to the point NICELY. Don't get in their face and be like, "What?" You can tell them that there are things on the computer that can't exactly be stopped right away, and ask them to give you a little lee way, but then you have to give a little as well. If they call you multiple times, don't abuse it, come ASAP.

    As for your dad, I have the same problem. He says he's not laughing AT me, but we always have friction between us. So just tell him how you feel, and that you don't like it when he laughs when you try to come to him with problems, and that if he were to take you seriously, then you would be more likely to come to him with bigger problems.

    -- a regular 17 year old guy

  5. Why would she grown you just for that? It was not like you were not going to come. That is weird.

  6. Not fair my mom does me the same way and im 21 but I dont get grounded im grown lol.

    If I were you I would act rebellious and give her a real reason to ground you and act like you forgot you were grounded and do waht you had planned.


  7. definetly not fair! your mom got up on the wrong side of the bed that day!

  8. I'd laugh at you too. Your dad rules.

    Suck it up and next time come when you're called. It isn't fair, but alas life is not fair. Is it fair to your mom she had to rush to the toilet just to discover her family doesn't know how to replace a roll of toilet paper? Is it fair that she tried to call for help and no one came to her aid? Wouldn't it tick you off? So you were unlucky to be the one she called for, you didn't come and you got grounded. That's the price you pay for her being in a bad mood and having to squelch her way to the storage bin so she could wipe her @$$. LOL

    Treat you like a slave? Well, she does own you until you're 18 and you move out of her house. Want her to be "fair"? Get a job, put food on the table, pay all the bills, and deal with freeloading family members who blow you off when you're stranded on the toilet. HAhaah, sorry I know this isn't funny to you, but I can't stop giggling. I'm sure your dad is probably laughing at  your mom and asking what the heck her problem is, but whatever. It's only one day of grounding, just be over it.

  9. tell her to #$%@ off. I did it and it worked.

  10. depending ur age if ur like 10 or younger u should be like in bed if ur older then h**l yea she can wait a sec!

  11. just tell her how you feel.

  12. It's not fair. Life's not fair .

  13. just like what my mom would do

  14. don`t forget that life is not fair! i know how you feel because i alway thought that i was a slave too!!! but there`s always a way to avoid that from happen to you again! that`s what life`s about. you learned from your mistake and hopefully you don`t make the same mistake again. this what i would do if i were you. every time you go to bathroom either check out the mirrior or go bathroom. you should restock toilet paper. that way nobody get grounded. just make it a habit that`s all. your mom probably couldn`t take no more and you happen to be the wrong place at the wrong time. trust me on this one. **** happen to everyone once in a while. thats what make life unpredictable.

  15. I say this as a mom... I don't care that you think you are 17 and too old to have your mommy tell you what to do.. Or that you think what ever you were doing on the computer was more important then getting up and finding out what your mother needed..

    Regardless is it was for toliet paper or the dogs or the house was on fire,  you should have gotten up and went to her..

  16. I know exactly what you're saying. I'm 16 and my parents treat me the same way! They always do dumb stuff like ask me to go where they are just so they can tell me to go where I just was to bring them back something. It's always when I'm about to start doing something too. I don't get grounded but if I don't do something immediately my parents usually get all pissed off and try to scare me with their tone of voice and getting all up in my face. Come on now. That doesn't work anymore.........and hasn't for about 9 years!
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