
Is my mom jealous of me??

by  |  earlier

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1. she wants my husband to think she s all that by doing him favors and then she calls him and talks bad about me to him

2. she dyes her hair red and had a boob lift job....i dyed my hair blonde and everybody s saying i look hot and better than her while she keeps saying i look terrible plus she made a scandal because im planning on having a boob job

3. im newly wed and i have a bigger and prettier and more expensive house than she does and she keeps throwing that on me every day

4. i have no problems at all with my husband, yes we have our little fights now and then but we are extremely happy together and in love and she keeps telling everyone the filthy lie that me and him are doing bad

5. she calls my housekeeper to give her orders (who by the way told me she s sick of my mother) and keeps throwing at me that i have a maid and she doesnt

6. she came to my house today and started to yell at me about the boob job and threat me that she was going to punch me in the i kicked her out my house... she jealous??...or just plain hates me??




  1. Maybe she is having a hard time coping with the fact that you are married now. Sometimes moms go through a withdrawal and act kinda "funny". Forgive her. Just let her be and if things don't smooth out soon, move far far away . . .  

  2. are you talking about your mom or a friend?  It doesn't seem like she's much of a mom.  Sorry!!  

  3. I think you should get her out of your life.

  4. your mom doesnt seem like a good mom. i say, cut her out of your life. she sounds like poison.

  5. Your mother sounds like someone who enjoys bullying people around, not just you.  She has probably done this to her past and/or present husband and other relationships... or she wants attention or control.  I know people like this, and they usually love to talk about themselves or want to be the center of attention.  My advice for future contact is to ONLY have her at your home, NOT HERS.  By having her at your home, she MUST play by YOUR rules (not hers), which means she has to behave herself, she must treat you and all family members with respect, speak kindly of others, etc...   I know a few people who do this method with other parents and in-laws, and it works.  Demand respect.  She'll respect you if she knows what's good for her.... after all, she'll be counting on you to take care of her when she gets older.

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