
Is my neighbour being unreasonable...?

by  |  earlier

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Last year they sent their three brats round to my house in halloween costumes begging for sweets and suchlike. I don't have anything like that so I gave them some of my nicotine gum each.

The next day their pimp of a mother was banging on my door and complaining and they haven't spoken to me since! Can you believe it? Like it's my fault?




  1. I wouldn't have bothered banging on your door if I was the mother.  I would have called the cops and told them you were giving nicotine products to minors.  It would have been funny watching you get a hefty fine when you could have easily just spent the $5 in candy.

  2. Nicotine gum can be harmful to children.  If you don't celebrate Halloween, just turn your porch light off and no one will bother you.

  3. you need help

  4. Jake, Jake ,Jake what are you thinking? You live in a community! Don't you know it takes the whole village to raise a child? In any event with the mother's line of work if you play your cards right you might get a freebie.

    Best wishes

  5. Better to just not answer the door.

  6. In all truth, methinks thou dose jest. If not, for Merlin's sake it is a wonder the old slag mum didn't''t want more--for herself.

    At least they won't be at your door this year.

    In reference to those who told you of the poison effect on children, quite so, but I rather think this was posted in humour.

  7. Your actions were irresponsible; as these children risked being poisoned from the nicotine gum.

  8. Hey I don't care if it's halloween,people coming to my door get treated the same be it kids begging for sweets or sales men trying to get me to change my gas company , the kids get bugger all and the sales guy gets told where to friends and family know to phone me before coming over, they know not to drop in unannounced.........

  9. I think perhaps your neighbor should have known you well enough to know you did not celebrate Halloween. Perhaps a few coins instead of nicotine gum would have been more appropriate. Fortunately for you, I don't think you need to worry about their bothering you again.

  10. I hate halloweener 's

  11. Some neighbors are just that way. Consider yourself lucky to be on their "no contact" list.

    This year, try turning off the outside light near your door. Make it look as if no one is at home.


    You can go buy some candy and join the fun!!!

  12. Either this is a joke or you are extremely dumb not to realise the dangers of giving nicotine gum to young children.

    But I'm guessing you're just joking.

  13. PMSL, that's the best Halloween candy I've heard of yet.

  14. Okay. You act and sound as if you didn't know it was Halloween.  Most people go to the store and purchase candy or cookies and "suchlike" for the kids who come 'a-knocking'.  Now, if you are one who does not participate in Halloween and don't wish to have kids knocking on your door, it's perfectly legal for you to put up a sign explaining such, or turn out your lights.  However, if they do come knocking, and you open your door, you should not have 'nicotine' gum to give them.  I know you know better than that!  That's why their mother came banging on your door.  You don't give children nicotine gum and you know this!

  15. They are overreacting but it is your fault.

  16. hahaha!

  17. I don't blame your neighbours for complaining.  You were a bit stingy, you could have at least gave them a can of lager as well.  

  18. Glad I don't live next to you!  

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