
Is my p***s alright !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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when it erects i found some of my skin near the glans part p***s is 7c.m when normal n 14 c.m. when erected.......also I'm uncut.........i feel that it does nt gets erected fully ........ i m a serial masturbator for last 5 years..........sum times i m********e 4 times per day......leading to a low s***n quantity ejaculation.....also when i ejaculate, i don't have forceful ejaculation........I'm 19........also i've got small they should b of size of walnut but they r nt..........i need yr suggestions.......




  1. YOUR OK

  2. totally normal don't worry

  3. If you are feeling some loose skin on your p***s when it's erect (I mean, aside from the f******n, which is supposed to be there and still partially covers the head of the p***s when pushed up during masturbation), then you probably aren't fully erect. It could have something to do with you masturbating a lot, but if you're gripping yourself too tightly you could also be giving yourself what is known colloquially as "the death grip." Basically if you grip it too hard, the blood flow gets cut off down there, which not only numbs the sensation but could also cause erectile dysfunction if you're not careful. Your s***n quality is clearly because of how often you m********e. Most guys who don't m********e for days or weeks at a time have quite a bit of ejaculate come out of them, but even if they haven't done it in three weeks, if they m********e five times the first day of the fourth week, they won't have much s***n come out of them either. your testicles are probably fine. I've had s*x with guys who have testicles smaller than walnuts and they're not any worse as lovers than guys who have bigger testicles.

    If you're masturbating four times a day (trying not to sound like a total b*tch when I say this) you probably need a hobby. Go outside, get some fresh air for awhile. If you don't have a job, get one. Maybe enroll in a class through the community center, something!  Cut the masturbation down to once or twice a day and loosen your grip on your thang and all should be well. If all is not well after about three weeks of doing this, get thee to a doctor!

  4. Yes U R.

  5. omg i love this section!!!

  6. stop jerking it for a few days and cut down on that if anything go out nd get some..u know?

  7. Beating off to much could lead to prematurity and E.D. And make your balls small cause they never get time to reload.

  8. it's normal, having some loose skin when erect makes s*x much more pleasurable

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