
Is my progress good ( guitar )?

by  |  earlier

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playing for 5 months now. i dont really learn FULL songs. i know Nothing Else matters; (Intro Verse1 and solo). One ; (up to the tapping part of the solo). stairway to heaven solo and intro. enter sandman( full ) the trooper ( up to solo ) cowboys from h**l riff Eruption intro and tapping. a bunch of riffs

i can tune the guitar without a tuner (Harmonics)

i know all the basic chords barre chords. i can do a good sounding pinch harmonic anywhere. i know the Major Minor scales by heart 4 forms of pentatonic scales also by heart.

atm trying to learn Bark at the moon and practicing Paul gilbert speed licks\

Theory : Im not 100% sure what i know in theory im focusing on it now with technique if any1 can give me tips or links to a good site or video on theory that wud be sik.

anyways how am i doing :)




  1. Theory???

    work out how a scale is built(root, tone, tone, semitone,tone, tone,tone,semitone which is the octave.

    having worked that out. you can work out the notes of any chord using the 1,3,5and 8th of the scale have a try at the chords you know work out what the names of the notes are using that formula for any Major scale. if it helps i will let you know how to do minor scales.

    try and learn the notes of the guitar at any given first fret first string is E next fret on same string is F then Fsharp etc hope this helps.bye the way you are doing very well...


  2. It seems like you're on your way.

    The only two things I really wanted to mention is that it's important to learn full songs - chicks like full songs, not half a riff here and half an intro there. If you ever get into a band situation, you'll have to learn full songs, for instance.

    Secondly, get a tuner. A good one. And use it.

    It's nice that you can tune the guitar using harmonics.... but that doesn't help you if your guitar isn't *intonated* properly, or if it doesn't start off as being in tune. When you use harmonics, you are tuning the guitar to itself... that's all. If the string you base it all off of is off, then the whole thing will be in-tune with itself, but out of tune with the rest of the world.

    If you ever want to play with others you will need to be able to be in tune with them. You *can* do it by ear, sure. However, using a tuner religiously at the beginning of your learning experience will develop your ears now rather than later, and will help keep you in tune later on.

    One of the best assets a musician can have is a well-developed set of ears, but usually your ears have to be trained. If you don't train them to expect to hear the right pitches, but instead just go by "whatever", then your perception of pitch will suffer.

    A well-developed ear will help you learn new chords, scales, songs, etc, too, and will make it possible for you to pick things up "by ear" if you keep at it.

    I recommend the Korg chromatic tuner. About 20$.


  3. You are doing ok and learning quite fast.

    But its more productive to learn full pieces rather than certain bits and parts.  

    Ask yourself why you are skipping parts, is it because you don't like them, like the parts you are learning more, or that you find them too challenging.

  4. ur better than i am ive been playing for 2 years... BUT i work mainly on my rythem and quick clean chord changes... i can play rythem for almost any song u put in front of me... also u should learth how to read music... i dont kno how and thats kkept me out of bands before

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