
Is my recruiter lying?

by Guest44683  |  earlier

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I did the first oath at MEPS, but have since decided not to join. The following is a message from my recruiter saying what she wants me to do:

"You would go down and do an abbreviated version of the first physical. Basically they would ask you if anything medically has changed with you and have you pee in a cup one last time. You swear in and then they take you to the airport. If you leave from the airport and don't go to basic they will send you discharge paperwork in the mail no questions asked. Once you leave the meps I get credit for you shipping even if you don't. So long story short you would save me from working every Saturday until xmas."

She also said that if I don't do this than my references will be called and asked why I'm not going to basic, but they won't if I do this. This doesn't make any sense to me.




  1. Yes, that's a lie... once you swear in there is no turning back. Report this person to whatever branch of service you were enlisting with.

    Our military isn't so hard up that it needs to lie to people to get them to join, this is just an example of one greedy woman that is willing to totally s***w up your life to make a buck.

  2. You are not obligated to do anything until you sign a contract. Don't try to do her any favors, she is trying to trick you and she has been playing this game for a while. She knows what buttons to push.

    The further along you go in the process the harder it will be to back out. Stop now and don't worry about her any more.

  3. they may mislead and become vague in saying things but they dont lie.  

  4. What is hard to understand about it? It is right there in plain English for you? If you bug out from the airport, it is out of her hands. If you don't, they have to come looking for your cowardly backside.

  5. you have to swear in twice before you ship out... anytime inbetween the first swear in and the second you can called it off its called DEP'ing out... Its for the people that snap into a "I dont wanna go anymore" attitude... dont worry about it... Military aint for everyone.. .but it doesnt make you look any better saying you never even tryed.... She does get the credit for you however... and I have no clue if they call your references.. but who cares??  

  6. It really bothers me that so many people swear an oath, with such disregard for keeping their word.  Maybe it's a statement on todays education system that people don't know the meaning of words like 'Oath', 'Swear', and 'Commitment'.  Maybe it's a statement on parenting?  At any rate is a sad commentary on our country.  That and the fact that so many people on here tell others to lie.

    If you don't want to go, don't go to MEPS.  If you swear in a 2nd time, you're in, then you are subject to the UCMJ, and will be held accountable for not showing up to basic.

  7. Really, really bad move right there.  Once you swear in that second time, you're officially in for good.  You will be considered AWOL if you leave the airport and never show up for basic.  Very bad idea and a very good way to ruin your life.  Fulfill your commitment, you'll be glad you did later.  Besides, like already stated, it sure beats wearing a goofy outfit serving burgers all day.

  8. Don't believe it. Just go to boot camp and serve your country. What else are going to do, flip burgers?

  9. You have the option to not go, and your recruiter is just hoping that once you do get to the airport, you'll actually just get bullied/pressured into going. That's all.

    Just walk away. If she is relying on YOU and ONLY YOU to prevent her from working "every Saturday until xmas," then she is a terrible recruiter and deserves to work every Saturday.  

  10. You and I do not know, how this recruiter will be payed or addressed for your going to the airport. So disregard, her selfish remark for her own perks. This is your life, not hers. She is already in - your the one who isn't, and don't want to be.

    If you joined active duty, then you are not in yet. The second swear in counts. Your good to go. So, write your recruiter and commander of the recruiting station, a letter stating why you want to be discharged. They have no option but to let you go 99% of the time. Make sure you receive a letter from them stating you've been discharged, and keep it in a safe holding.

    If you swore in for the Reserves, then good lucky buddy. Their oath counts the first time - and its wise to contact your recruiter, and ask for the 1st sergeant or commander of recruiting station. There is no promise with this situation, since you've signed the actual contract. Do not choose AWOL ... its like killing your career before it even started.

  11. Ok, If you want out of DEP just write a letter to the Recruiting Command stating that you want to be released from DEP. DO NOT go back to MEPS and do not sign anything more. You aren't truly in the military UNTIL you sign your second contract and ship to boot camp (usually on the same day) You are within your rights to back out. The recruiter can threaten you , yell at you etc... His Command may even want to talk to you.

    They have no choice but to release you from DEP. You will get a non categorized seperation. The only thing this will do is if you change your mind in the future and decide you want to join this branch, then you may need a waiver.

    Joining the military is not a decision to be taken lightly and if you feel your not up for it the next 4 years then there is no sense going in and then your there wanting out.

  12. With everything you're saying it appears that they're trying to pressure you to do something (essentially threatening you if you don't)... if somebody was laying it on that thick to me, I would automatically assume they are lying.
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