
Is our baby bird dieing?

by  |  earlier

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its pooping these tubular shapes. that look a LOT like intestines. me and a friend of mine found a baby sparrow outside with out a mother, so tried to take care of it, atleast until it could see. well, now it looks like its pooping out its intestines, and we are extremely worried

is this normal for a newborn, to have these shapes, or is it really her intestines/ please help!!




  1. It is illegal for you to keep and try and rehab a wild bird from outside.  You won't be able to teach it proper foraging skills to be released and if you are caught you can be fined.  It is inhumane to NOT try and get this bird proper care now that you have taken the bird from outside.  Try and get ahold of a wildlife rehab center that can take the bird and raise it properly to be rereleased into the wild.  If you call your local SPCA and tell them you need the number for a bird wildlife center in your area that takes baby birds they will give you the correct information to contact the correct people.

    When birds are outside on the ground they are called fledglings, the mother pushes them out of the nest in order to teach them how to forage.  She still helps them while they are on the ground with feedings.  The mother bird was most likely watching her bird when you took it from outside.  When you find birds outside on the ground you should NEVER take them since the mother is teaching them.  You should also never remove birds from the nest even if the mother is not there as she is most likely foraging to find food for her babies.

    Next time...leave the bird outside and let the mother care for her baby, you most likely signed this poor birds death warrant by taking it from the wild.

  2. I think you should take her to the vet immediately. You never know what is gonna happen. Ask the vet because we are can't help you because we are not vets. Just take her to the vet and see what happens. Maybe she turns out to be normal, maybe not.

  3. Take her to the vet.

  4. if the bird has feathers, chances are it is a fledgling, and its parents were taking care of it on the ground.  you should have left it alone.  before you kill it, please find a wildlife rehabber in your area to care for the bird.

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