
Is pepcid ac unhealthy?

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I pop a pepcid ac pill atleast 4 or 5 times a week. Would that effect me somehow in the future? or Is it unhealthy to take that much?




  1. If it works like Zantac then yes, try digestive enzymes. I started off taking zantac and after getting insomnia and nervousness I found out it depletes certain vitamins. I started taking digestive enzymes and I dont have much of a problem with indigestion anymore and I have part of my sanity back:) I also don't eat foods that will aggravate the reflux. Try it, Good Luck!    

  2. too much of anything nowadays is unhealthy...

  3. it can be you might want to see your doc if you have to take that many you might have acid reflux.

    it leads to not having enough calcium in your body when you take it on a regular bases.

  4. Actually, yes. All acid blockers have a huge potential to be life-threatening when taken on a regular basis.

    Your stomach needs acid to break down and properly digest foods... if it's blocked, then there's not enough stomach acid to digest any of your food. Another answerer mentioned a good idea about taking digestive enzymes to help break down the food, but if you're taking an acid blocker on a regular basis, it won't matter very much.

    The biggest problem that people get on acid blockers is that they digest next to no protein (which means your muscles won't grow and most of your tissues have no raw material to repair themselves), can't digest most minerals (especially Calcium, so your body will leach needed Calcium from your bones, not to mention all the other benefits that various minerals have in your body including circulation and metabolism), and trouble breaking down most any tablets (including any other prescriptions or even basic pain relievers). If you're taking a life-sustaining prescription in a tablet when you don't have enough stomach acid to break it down... well, you get the point.

    Anyway, I see acid blockers as one of the most dangerous drugs on the market because people are so ill-informed about them (namely the risks) and they are so heavily touted and handed out as if they were a Tylenol. It's important to do the research before taking something like this. Good luck!

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