
Is petroleum available in Germany?

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Is Germany a mamber of Petroleum exporting organization? Has it got any petroleum for local usage?




  1. Yes we have petrol, a little bit at the North Sea, a little bit in Emsland, a little bit at the Baltic Sea and a little bit in Hamburg ( and I beliefe there is a little bit at the Donau in Bavaria but I don`t exactly know) all over we have to import petrol. We are not a member of OPEC. We have to less oil --- but perhaps they will find in my garden.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  2. Yes it is widely available at all gas stations all over Germany.

    There is a web site known as Google for people like you.

    For OPEC look up :

    Of course it has plenty of refined oil for it's consumption.

  3. They also have gas and diesel.

  4. No it isn't in OPEC

    Yes you  can buy it at any petrol station.

    They invented diesel fuel there.

  5. Yes, petroleum is available in Germany.

    What for do you need it? For your petroleum lamp?

    Anyway, besides that electricity is also available in Germany and I always switch my lamps on and off as well as my other electical things.

  6. No, Germany is not a member of the OPEC. We also don't have natural petroleum resources. Norway and Great Britain have, in the North Sea. Our former head of state, Ex-Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder, has joined the board of directors of Russian Gazprom to secure our supplies of natural gas.

  7. Why shouldn't that be the case? Germany is as developed as the U.S.! There are even some small oil wells in Germany - however, not comparable to Texas! Are you aware of the fact the motorvehicle/the diesel engine was invented in Germany by Carl Benz? Your knowledge of other countries is spine-chilling. Sorry, to say that.

  8. where do you live Germany is no 3 rd world country!

    And no it is not part of OPEC

  9. There is no problem getting petroleum in Germany at all... Even though it's very expensive right now.

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