
Is platinum worth investing in?

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What is better to invest in gold or platinum ?




  1. Platinum is pretty much ounce-for-ounce the most expensive metal you can buy right now. Personally I would buy gold or silver instead. Within 5 years, gold is bound to catch up to platinum in price. There is a lot more room for growth there.

  2. Dude, investing in metals is retarded.  How do you value something that has no financial statements or earnings.  You guess?

    Don't chase the "hot" investment.  Be smarter than that.

  3. Precious metals have had one h**l of a run. Now may not be the best time to buy. When the time is right, I prefer investing in stocks that mine the metal rather than investing directly in the metal. Smaller spreads, less transactional costs, no storage or insurance fees. Although that really only works well with gold stocks as the universe of platinum stocks is pretty small as much of it is privately mined or mined in Russia. That all being said, if you have to ask the question, I'm not sure this is the right investment for you. Good luck.

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