
Is politics a headache?

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don't you live more happy when politics are out of your mind?




  1. Yes....but it gives me the opportunity to call "questions u r afraid 2 ask" a stupid bi*ch, and make fun of her v****a......

  2. Yes, but politics is more like full blown AIDS with genital herpes and a severe case of genital warts.

  3. Do We really want Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Reid in charge of America?

  4. YES. But not knowing what's going on is a migraine.

  5. Some days this place seems to be more trouble than it's worth, and I wonder why I even bothered coming here, some days I get an actual chance to help someone with factual information and it makes it worthwhile.  Some days I like talking politics to make other people feel as miserable as they ought to.

    Its the last 2 that I even bother with politics.

  6. let's put it this way,  trigger-happy cowboy = bush = war =$ 2 trillion debt = 659,000 civilian deaths = bad economy = struggling middle class = major headache.  any questions?

  7. Perhaps people are into politics because they are out of their minds.

  8. Yup, I don't know what we would worry about, if we didn't have to worry about politics.  

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