
Is rugby is a rough sport?

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Is rugby is a rough sport?




  1. yea....

  2. Shore is!

  3. yehhh, its very rough

    i've only broken my fingers and toes playing it

    but you tend to get cut up alot and very bruised playing!

    dislocations are very common! specially with forwards

    this is all from personal experience

    hope i helped

  4. They don't call it R(Ugh!)by for nuttin'

  5. yup of course it is.i played for a little while,but also depends on the people you are playing with and against,so for crying out loud if your gonna play where a mouth guard please!

    check these out.


  7. It's alot rougher than American football - No pads.

  8. Is the Pope Catholic

  9. yes defiantly

  10. its also the greatest game on the planet....league i"m talking about..

  11. yeah its a shoulder breakin rib smashin sport.

  12. is the pope a catholic? ive got scars on my back from being raked in a ruck(which is legal if youre lying in the way of the opposition getting the ball).there's a fight in virtually every game and the collisions are huge! scrums are intensely physical.overall, its a very rough sport

  13. Do Bears p**p in the woods?

  14. Rugby football, often just "rugby", may refer to a number of sports descended from a common form of football developed at Rugby School in England, United Kingdom. Rugby league, rugby union, American football and Canadian football are modern sports that originated from rugby football. Rugby league and rugby union are the only two sports referred to as "rugby" today.

  15. NO not at all. Motocross is way more demanding. Ballet is too.

  16. No its soft. rugby league is the toughest game on earth

  17. The simple answer to your question is YES, rugby is a hard game. But here is a story i would like to tell if I may.

    Carwyn James, the coach that is deservedly in the Rugby Hall of Fame, wasn't good enough to Coach Wales because he wanted to select the team himself (they had team selectors at this time)

    Carwyn coahced the British Lions, was a GREAT coach, and had taken a team to win the Italian Championship and they had an audience with the then Pope ...

    "Rugby is, I believe, a rough game, Mr James "

    said the Pope to Carwyn...

    "Not when played properly" , Carwyn replied ...

    I have always liked that quote.

    One myth I would like to dispel though is that rugby players don't wear padding. They wear body armour, it is essential in the modern game, although I am seriously against it.

    Rugby is getting scary, you now have 20stone wingers who can run 100m is 10 seconds at like 30mph is it rough? work it out for yourself from the above statement LOL

  18. Yes,

    A very rough sport. Most of the guys bleed through the games.

  19. Not particually

    But since taking up the sport I have suffered two head injuries one involving the recipient getting knocked out and I got concusion. The second involved three stitches in my head and the most recently  I have chipped my ankle bone.

    Its good when played properly

  20. yer very physical

  21. YEAH!!! of course, u gotta be tough to be a rugby player

  22. yes... your probably likely to get several boes broken while playing rugby

  23. Yeah!!

    Its Real Rough.

    It Is Like American Football Without Pads.And Instead Of Stopping Play Every Time Someone Hits The Ground There Are Rucks.They Are Really Physical And They Can Hurt Because People Can Stand On You And People Hit You And All Sorts.And Some Of The Hits Are Really Hard.Watch This If You Don't Believe Me.


  24. Yes it is a rough sport.

    So is foot ball but rugby is way rough.

  25. One thing Jonah Lomu try vs England world cup '95.  Watch the clip and imagine being that fullback.  Can u say freight train??

    Old welsh guy is def right i mean this game gets really brutal when you have guys that have body mass and speed.  I'm pretty fast for how much i weigh 17 stones and i can run 40yds in 4.7 seconds.

    But watch the clip and decided for urself

  26. if you like it then its not that hard...just have to work hard on it

  27. Yes, unlike American football which is played with padded armour.

  28. The toughest!

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