
Is shawn johnson rich?

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I was just curious with all the endorsements shes been receiving. . .and do you think she will turn into stuck up snob or is she better than that?




  1. I think Shawn is MUCH better than that!! She is getting millions of dollars for her endorsements....

  2. She is better than that.

  3. Of course she is rich. She doesn't seem like she'd be a snob, however, money really changes people.

  4. I would guess that she has plenty of money. I don't know what she does with it, I saw a TV clip that interviewed her in her house and her room, and it looked like a normal house to me, nothing fancy. She does say she wants to go to an Ivy League school, so the endorsement money can definitely help with that.

  5. naww shes just getting the spotlight like michael phelps

  6. Guys her parents are in debut. I saw this show and the parents have to pay to go to her meets because the team and sponsors can't pay there tickets because of gymnastics laws. There g*y but they are like in 1000 of dollars in debut and the sponsors only pay for gymnastics related spending they don't pay for non gymnastics money or just give her money another gymnastics rule.

  7. Of course she is rich, she has tons of endorsements and is a millionaire already. Shes from Iowa so she has Midwestern genes in her blood she won't turn out as a snob or stuck up. She knows what hard work is and doesn't take anything for granite.
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