
Is she pregnant?!?

by  |  earlier

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she is 11, has her . (period) and seems like the sort of girl that could be. She is chubby in the tummy (she used 2 b stick thin) and i overheard her talking with this girl saying- "i felt it kick!" is she preg?!




  1. Omg 11 & shes pregnant. Shes only a child & shes having a baby! Why don't you just ask her.. Just say is it true your pregnant.

  2. well there always a possilility my best freind had her baby when she was 12

    so possibly

  3. theres  a wise saying  it goes "don't ASSUME it makes an AS*S out of U and ME..." she could have been talking about her dog or cat being pregnant for all you know..  so what if she used to be stick thin people who are thin can get a little chunky during puberty.. Leave the poor girl alone and stop spreading rumors .. thats just Plain mean.

  4. really, i thought you were in middle school?;...

  5. Pray to God she isn't

  6. i doubt it. i have never heard of that in my life. i doubt an 11 year old would be sexually active...anyways why do you care?

  7. she might be your going to ask point blank if she is and then go from there if she is pregnant.  that about all you can do.

  8. I would say it depends. If you are friends with her, ask. If not, why do you care? She proably is with the info you gave us but you could be misunderstanding what she's been doing. Hope this helps.

  9. ask her? idk, she might be but dont assume things, that will make matters worse, ask her if she is, dont be mean about it, be calm

  10. I dont believe that you're her mother for a second. And if you are, and your 11 year old really is pregnant, please take some parenting classes. My goodness.

  11. if that true then you need to have her check out

  12. You are so full of it. Look at all your other questions you asked and people can see that you are not the mother of an 11 yr old girl. You are probably the 11 yr old yourself. Get real and stop the lying!!

  13. Maybe?! Lol. Don't gossip though just go up to her and ask. But dont be a total ***** about it. YOu can go up to her and be like....  Ugh, there's this ridiculous rumor that you're pregnant. So, totally not true... right?!

  14. You seem like you want to stir up trouble for someone.  She seems like the sort of girl that could be?  All girls COULD be.

    I seriously doubt that an 11 year old is pregnant.

    Go outside and play - you aren't old enough to be on here anyway.

    EDIT:  Now I know you are full of it.  I've seen your other questions, dear.  You are a grade school kid... but keep right on lying.

  15. If she is pregnant then everyone at school should know by now, because all it takes is a few days for word to get around.

    She may be 7 months pregnant ! She must see a doctor and is she protecting an older boyfriend ? In some states if the boyfriend is more than three years older than the girlfriend then he is a sexual offender ! Due to the psychology issues. She is 11 and if she began *ahem* since she was 10 and if he is thirteen and now 14 years old than he is a predator by child psychology standard. She would be vulnerable due to her confusing hormones and he would be miss behaving with his direct testosterone. He knows what he wants and she is not sure. If this is the circumstances the he is a sexual criminal, and he will be prosecuted by the DA's office. Psychology plays an important role with adolescent s*x crimes.  God forbid it was due to a grown adult predator.

  16. ask her

  17. I'm sorry to say this but it seems as she is. Bring her to the ER or Doctor;s ASAP and keep us posted.

  18. Edited Answer.

    Ooh piffle..wasted answer.  This is a trolling question, I really hope your your MIDDLE SCHOOL routine you asked about goes smoothly, and that you figure out what to do about your crush Drew that you have had for a whole month, after all you only asked about it THREE times.;...;...

  19. yes

  20. umm why do you care you should not gossip about an 11 year old being pregnant

  21. Hon get a home pregnancy test and find out if she is or not, Then you MICROMANAGE HER life from here on out.Or you wont just be her momma, youll be her  baby's grandma.

  22. Some of the questions look like they were asked by a child but not the answers so I'm going to assume that you and your daughter share this account.

    If you really want to know ask her or get her a test kit. The test kit may be a better way to go about it as if you just ask she may lie to you.

    Also tell her that you are going to support her as she is probably scared.

  23. ask a better question next time eh

  24. I sure hope not! Very young! Has she had a sexual intercourse?

    See a doctor...

  25. haha thats funny and why do you care

  26. Oh gosh i sure hope not, i know by the way the world is going these days, and these young ladies having s*x at an early age, i sure hope she isn't.The only way to know is first talk to her about it, and secondly get a HPT and test her, also take her to the doc.Good luck!

  27. probably....:|

  28. yes watch out for her to be droping a head in math class

  29. maybe but i wouldnt go spreading around rumors or anything and dont be fast to  make assumptions even if people say yes because you dont really even know what she was talking  about

  30. just look for sign of pregnancy, ask her again  mygosh to young tho have a kid hopely not maybe yes i am not sure

  31. I would say highly unlikely for an 11 year old to be pregnant but I'm not sure why you're asking this on here - the only way to find out would be to actually ask her?! It sounds like kids make-believe talk to me. But if she really thinks she is then you should strongly advise her to go to an NHS walk in centre immediately. There are serious medical consequences for a child that young to become pregnant.

    Hope she isn't!
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