
Is she trying to nest?

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My 3 year old female parakeet latley has been sitting in her food dish and kicking out food even though she has fresh seeds or not. And she keeps visiting the bottom of her cage alot more then usual does this mean she is trying to nest? Yes, I have a male parakeet but he just turned a year old recently and they just "flirt" and aren't that close. She gets mad at him at times.




  1. I think your bird is sick and thats why she visits the bottom of the cage!

    Hope that helped

  2. You didn't say if these birds are caged together, or not.

    Your female may well be ready to mate and breed and could be building a nest,or if caged with a male could be trying to stay away from him.

    Watch them both carefully to learn about each bird. Unless you are planning to breed them, you might cage separately and sit the two cages beside one another, but not so close they can touch or bite.

    Male's get aggressive when adults and hormonal and can cause injury to the hen/female.

    Do some reading -

    and -

  3. My female parakeet does that too. Yours might not be trying to nest. Sitting at the bottom of the cage may be a sign that she is sick. You might wanna take her to a trip to the vet and see if she is okay or if she might be pregnant. If she has gained a little weight, eats more, poops more, and is a little grouchier than normal, there is a higher chance that she IS pregnant.
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