
Is singing haram?????

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I need hadith and good proofs for that!!




  1. its controversial, so here what i say:

    as long as the lyrics are fine then you can sing all you want

  2. Yes!

    Singing is never appreciated in Islam. Nasheeds, hamds and Naats are absolutely fine, but singing isn't. When the Holy Prophet (s) went on war and defeated the Kaffars, the Kaffars built up their morals to fight again with the Muslims through songs. Do u wanna do the same thing that the Kaffar (infidels) did or wanna follow the Prophet (s) and His Sunnah?

    Below is a great speaker im giving you the link of. Listen to all the parts. It'll be for your own good. Everything you asked for is in the video. Don't miss it

  3. well if like everything theres terms and conditions. singing is not haraam so long u dont use musical instruments apart from the daff , and instrument that is kinda like the tamborine without the jingle bits, and of course what u are singing is something halal theres alot more to this, course if u are a woman and singing in front of men this would be kinda aluring for the men whereas she can she with her female companions.

    hope this helps, if require further info please visit the islam channel website  

  4. For the millionth time, these questions are not suitable for this audience. you need to ask a scholar.

    When anyone has a question about an illness or medication, they are told to see a doctor. But when a question is asked about religion, everyone is willing to answer, even though they are not qualified.

    Giving a fatwa when you are not qualified puts you in a lot of danger.  

  5. You need to loook in the Quran. No it's not.

  6. Sorry I didnt put in any proofs or hadiths for this answer. I have read a lot about singing and music, whether it is actually haraam or not. I think most scholars say music is definitely haraam [I dont know what the exact reason is]. As for singing, without the music, I do not think this is haraam based on the situation of course. If you are singing to yourself, for yourself [or to your partner], then it is permissible. If you are singing in public, I think it is likely that this may be haraam, as it may attract attention [especially when it comes to women singing. Men find their voices alluring and seductive to the ear].

    So it depends on the purpose and the situation.

    But only Allah knows best.

  7. brother wat do u mean by singing like nashhed isn't but singing a song not muslim related is brother it is a hadith and tim u are wrong singing is HARAM UNLESS ISLAM NASHHED RELATED BRO DONT LISTEN TO THEM

  8. I can't provide you with hadiths and "good proofs" but alll I can say is sinigng is controversial, but I have never come across anyhitng saying that it is haram. Maybe just be aware of what you are singing.... such as, don't sing about something like about provacative dancing, drinking alcohol, and s*x, etc. Sing about things that are acceptable. I hope that helps no some level.  

  9. Not at all.  What is the Adhaan?  What do you think melodious recitation of the Qur'an is?  Is that not singing?  What about our salaat when the Imam recites surahs in a melodious manner out loud.

    These are all forms of singing.  The human voice is beautiful and not immodest.

    love for all, hatred for none

  10. The whole issue of singing is controversial, whether it is with musical accompaniment or not.

    Singing is no more than melodious words; if these are good, singing is considered good; but if they are bad, such singing is deemed bad. Talk that contains forbidden content is prohibited.

    `A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated: “Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him, came to my house while two girls were singing beside me the songs of Bu`ath (a story about the pre-Islamic war between the two tribes of the Ansar, the Khazraj and the Awus). The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) laid down and turned his face to the other side. Then Abu Bakr came and spoke to me harshly saying, ‘Musical instruments of Satan near the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)?’ Thereupon, Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) turned his face towards him and said, ‘Leave them.’ When Abu Bakr became inattentive, I signaled to those girls to go out and they left.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

    This indicates that these two girls were not so young as claimed by some scholars. If they were, Abu Bakr would not have been angry with them in such manner. In addition, in this hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wanted to teach the Jews that Islam has room for merriment and that he himself was sent with a moderate and flexible legislation. There is also another important lesson to learn here. It draws our attention to the fact that one needs to introduce Islam to others in a good fashion, along with displaying its moderateness and magnanimity.

  11. of course not!

    singing is absolutely not haram...unless the words are!!

  12. only for a person with bad voice

  13. I'll drive for you some evidences and not all as they are too many, and you can deduce for yourself whether singing and music is halal or haram. although i know u r wanting so badly to hear the answer in a YES!!!

    Well songs ACCOMPANIED WITH MUSIC are forbidden in Islam, and I'll proceed with you through the evidences from the Quran, the Sunna and the sayings of the our great Muslim jurists. i say nothing clearly over this matter. just b/c u asked for Proofs and Evidence i'll go in some detail:

    Imam Ibn-Katheer said in his tafsir: "Ibn-Masood (the companion of the Prophet(saw)) was asked about the meaning of this verse of the Quran: "But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales". So, he said: By Allah, besides Whom there is no other god, this means singing – and he repeated it three times"

    Imam Ibn-ElKayem said in his book (Eghathet Al-Lahfan): "Among the conspiracies of the enemy of Allah (Satan) and his traps, that he trapped with who where less in their luck from the knowledge, mind, and religion, and with which he hunted the hearts of those who don't know: Listening to the whistling, clapping of hands and singing accompanied with forbidden (haram) instruments, with which he drove away the hearts from the Quran, and makes them (the hearts) devoted for the corruption (or rebelliousness) and disobedience (of Allah). Its the Quran of Satan, and the dense veil from Allah.

    **From the Sunna:

    Imam Al-Bukhari narrated that the Prophet(saw) said: "There will be some people of my nation who will practice fornication and adultery, wear silk, drink wine and use ma'aazif (i.e. musical instruments) and deem this as lawful."

    Ma'aazif is an arabic word which is the plural of mi’zafah, and the word refers to musical instruments.

    And from the hadith you can deduce that Ma'aazif (or musical instruments) came on the side of Zina(committing adultery) and drinking wine, and they are considered from the major sins one can commit.

    Widespread of the musical instruments and singing is one of the signs of the Hour.

    Sahl Ibn Sa'd (Radya Allaho Anhu) narrated that the Prophet(s.a.w) said: "ِAs a sign of the Hour, a time will come when (Allah) will cause the earth to swallow people, will cause metamorphosis to them and they will be thrown with stones." The companions may Allah be pleased with them asked: "When will that happen? " .

    The Prophet(s.a.w) replied: "When musical instruments and singing become widespread, and when people will have female singers and deem wine as lawful."

    **For Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal:

    Adbullah, the son of Imam Ahmed, said: I asked my father about singing? So, he said: "Singing germinates hypocrisy in the heart, and I don't like it. And then he mentioned Imam Malik's words: "The only people who do things like that, in our view, are faasiqin (i.e. rebellious or corrupted)".

    *If the singing contains any musical instrument, then it is Haram for both men and women(according to the Quran, the Sunna and the Fiqh schools).

    *If the singing is not accompanied by a musical instrument, it is of two kinds:

    i) Singing of women for men. This is absolutely Haram. Islam forbids women from calling for the AZAN and reciting the Qur'an in the presence of men. If a woman sings for ladies saying something containing good words, then it is permitted.

    ii) Singing of a man. If he is singing good poetry that involves good subjects, then many jurists have permitted it. If it contains bad things like calling to depravity, abomination or describing a woman's body, etc. then it is prohibited.

    *Duff is allowed for women in Eids and at weddings, as an exception.

    an extremely wrong point of view suggested by one of the people on this page is that AZAAN and RECITATIONS OF THE QURAN are singing! well i don't think these would have been some of the "vices" described by the Quran as being the most widespread during the End Times!

    So here i leave u and ur Faith.i told u wat i knew. i didnot clearly say whether music is Halal or haram. i only presented wat u asked for as promised. each and every person who has answered this question above me has called singing Halal. where in the Quran does it say that?

    every1 said that Quran does not say anywhere that singing is Haram...i didn't see a person saying that Quran doesn't tell us that singing and music is Halal either. Which one of us saw THIS point??

    i know by the time i'm finished with this effort of mine, i would've received like a 100 thumbs-down, but i don't really care. Thumbs-down will make me happier 4 dis question!! i'll know that i accepted the fact people are not ready to accept. and i thank Allah for that.

    people just b/c u are addicted to songs doesn't mean it carries a great reward in the Hereafter. don't change ur Religion according to ur wishes.

    May Allah give guidance to all of us. Ameen

    I agree 2 Jasmyne Amani! see a coward already gave me a thumbs-down! face the reality child!!

  14. not at all haram...nothing has been said singing is haram in Glorious Quran,yes hadith is a different doctrine,if you follow hadith than definately it is haram ,,but than who determines what is halal/haram,other than Allah Allmighty !!!

  15. its contreversial, but i dont think so. i sing all the time.

    i sng quite well, might i add
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