
Is slavery halal?

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Some say yes. Some say no. Both quote from the quran. I don't get it.




  1. Before it was halal after it's prohinitted by Islam

  2. People say no. Now, the next question is, how about making people work like slaves... little pay, no rights, too much work to do.

  3. at the time of prophet slavery was prevalent in soceities. The captives of war were slaves,so under islam prophet handled the captives in different ways. they were freed for ransome or for teaching people etc.

    status of slave before islam was different, but in islam they considered as human and encouraged setting a slave free as great.told feed them as they eat and dress them as they dress

    in short under islam slaves got a status of present workers/labours.

  4. Islam forbade  all the ways of having slaves except through one way only which was having prisoners from a war against infidels . That was at the time of wars against kuffar .

    If we read the verses concerning the salves we never get the impression that Allah is encouraging Muslims to have slaves but we get the impression that it's  encouraged to free them and to treat them good . Allah ( subanahu wa taala ) put many ways to free them  so Muslims will gradually accept to let them go .

  5. slavery was allowed but it was better to free them and treat them as you yourself would like to be treated. funny you ask this, I just finished reading a book called "Slave: My True Story" About a girl who was Muslim from Sudan and was enslaved by Arab Muslims. This happened in the 1990's I believe. It was good book. Hard to believe that it is still happening.

  6. You still have slaves, open the quran. to any page they are referred to as a wife.

  7. Islam is the first religion which frees slavery from this world.

    Slavery was practiced all over the world when Islam came. In fact, it was an economic and social system among all the countries and the people. So, Islam proceeded from the very beginning to remove the origins of slavery and to limit its sources.

    If we have servants at homes, then thats a different thing. We pay them and they are not been forced to work for us. they work in order to earn. thats something absolutely different.

    So Islam doesn't believe in Slavery.

    Rest Allah knows the best~!

  8. You can see lot of answers "Islam says NO to slaves"...

    But can I ask,why is it that lot of muslims have servants or emplees,whom they treat as slaves..

    Now thay'll say,"dn't generalize,there is good n bad in all groups"...

    But can I ask,"Non-muslims dn't claim that they are,they is no point in pointing fingers at them.We sya we are too good.But we behave worst"..WHY??

    Allah and His Prophet(pbuh) make Islam as a perfect perfect .But we,made it the worst religion..

    I see an answer defending"No,it is US and Africa that was last to have slaves"..SO WHAT??? We are followers of Islam and if we claim to be muslims,we ought to follow what Allah said..You just can't easily justify somothing evil by saying,"oh oh,no human is perfect"..c**p..

    Then dn't preach...That seems more reasonable to me...

  9. no it's not. Slavery has been condemned in Islam ever since. If slavery was halal, then hazrat bilal would still be a slave after accepting Islam, plus he wouldn't even have accepted Islam if Islam had said yes to slavery.

    Some might say yes in a sense that there still slave girls or men in the houses, but to treat them LIKE slaves and animals is condemned in Islam and it shouldn't be a surprise.

  10. Ofcourse!

    Mohammed had slaves, Muslims had slaves for thousands of years after Mohammed!

    Matter of fact, Muslim countries were the last ones to end slavery in this world!

  11. inslaving is haram , and since there is no slavery anymore then there can't be anymore slaves , hence >>haram

    islam came 1400 years ago , slavery was still in the us untill the past century , and some countries after that

    1400 years ago slavery was a ordinary concept to a very very far point

    islam is a religion of easiness (yosr) not hardness , everything in it is done gradually not all of the sudden

    like for example wine , at first it was allowed but not during prayer , then after a while it was tottaly prohipted

    in case of slavery , every sin in islam , is redeamed by several ways of which the highest periority is to freeing a slave , and it's a great deed that is mentioned several times in Qur'an (20: 11-13) translation is: {(10) But he hath not attempted the Ascent - (11) Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Ascent is! - (12) (It is) to free a slave, (13)}

    and certain rules were put that aimed to gradually end that slave hing , like the son of a slave woman is to be a free man

    so it's also done gradually as anything in islam because Allah(swt) knows best and he knows the nature of his creatures and he is all merciful so he has mercey on them even in prohipting and even in punishment

    @soldiar : no, in fact USA and south africa were the last countries that had slaves in them

    and the prophet muhammad (p.b.u.h) owned one slave and freed him and later adopted him , but later after that Allah revealed verses that prohipts adoption by name so he took him as a companion (or as a son but not by name), and when that man had the choice to go back to his family ha chose to stay with the prophet , true story

    the other slave was a gift to him by the ruler of Egypt at that time , her name was maria , he freed her and then married her because she had no one in that country to support her , and later she converted by her own will to islam

    @Nimmy : i didn't mean what you said , he said that muslims were the last ones who owned slaves , i was only correcting his info not justifieng anything, did you even read wht i wrote?

    oh another thing , muslims don't have slaves , gulf countries do have servants (Egyptian servants as well , which is my original country) it's not a religious thing , it's something to do with a system there called (kafala) which is you can't leave the country without the consent of the person who you work for , it's stupid i know , but it's not a religious thing, and in fact it is haram , but people these days don't follow exactly what religions say , do you?
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