
Is software Engineering a good job?

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How much taxes do they take out of your paycheck?




  1. hi..

    Software engineering is a fantastic job.

    Taxes are tied to income for most countries, the government does not care if it was software engineering or feeding ducks that got you your money. They just want their share.

    And it is a good thing.

    Software, as you may or may not know crosses many domains. So as a software Engineer you may work in aerospace, business, medical, transportation, etc.

    There are many software engineering jobs, programming, testing, analysis, design, management.

    Some jobs have you work close with people, others more alone.

    Depending on you, your skills and ability, the market, etc you could earn 100k+

    Good fortune

  2. my dad is a software engineer, he says he makes a lot of money, but wont tell me how much. I live in a nice house and I think he likes working with computers so, ya I think it's a good job.  

  3. It's a good job if you enjoy math and are VERY detail oriented.  Just realize that you'll spend most of your day hunched in front of a computer "crunching code" and won't deal directly with clients, for the most part.  Many software engineers have an opportunity to "freelance" and work from home or remotely, but that's the exception and not the rule.  The best thing to do is find out what "languages" and formats interest you most (.NET, PHP, Java, Visual Basic, etc.) and decide on what kinds of applications you're interested in (database, mobile device, internet, etc.).

    As for taxes, they take the same percentage out of your check as anyone else.  It's based on your lifestyle (married, single, kids, etc.) and your status (less than $50K, more than $50K, senior citizen, etc.).

    I sure hope that answers your question.  Good luck on the career search.

  4. yes

  5. YES. You get paid at at least $40k a year. But depending on the company, you might work overtime many many days.

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