
Is something wrong? With my head? ?

by  |  earlier

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Hey all,this is a weird question so brace yourselves.

Sometimes when i get up in the morning,at around 6:00-6:30(thats when i get up if it matters) i go into my kitchen to get a drink or food, and my vision goes almost totally black,i feel dizzy,nautious and i almost comepletely lose myself for around 3 seconds maybe. What is this?is it something to be worried about.Help!it has not happened lately but...




  1. Have your blood sugar checked- you could have low blood sugar

  2. You could have low blood sugar or high blood sugar. Since it happens in the morning, your body sounds like it's low on sugars, which is normal because you have been sleeping and not eating.

    Or it could just be that you got up to fast. Which happens to most people.

    If you are worried about it the next time you go to your general physician ask him for a glucose blood test or just talk to him about it.  

  3. You should be concerned and go to the doctor for some blood work. It could be hypertension or diabetes or even hypoglycemia which is low blood sugar.. It is not worth taking any chances with your health..

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