
Is something wrong with my gerbil?

by  |  earlier

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Earlier today one of my 3 gerbils was up on the 3rd level of their cage by the water bottle sleeping. Apparently i moved and made a noise and he woke up and then he just sat there. He looked hunched over, his eyes were closed like he was sleeping but it wasn't in the way gerbils normally position themselves to go to sleep. At first i thought nothing of it, but now he's doing it again. he looks lethargic i think (if i'm using that word correctly), and today's the first time i've seen any of them sleep on the higher levels before. They have a house on the bottom floor and they always sleep togther down there. So, what's goin' on with him? I've never seen him act like this before. The others seem fine.




  1. maybe the bottom levels of the tank are dirty and the ammonia is irritating them, making them want to sleep on the higher levels? maybe (if it's wire) the tank's wire floor is uncomfortable so they sleep upright to distribute their weight more to their feet.

    i don't know. i never had a gerbil. only a dwarf hamster.

  2. get him check out by the vet, and keep an eye on him

  3. If he's acting sick, you need to take him to a small animal vet for treatment.

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