
Is success really worth it?

by Guest61274  |  earlier

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I was thinking the other day, if you work hard your whole youth in the hope of success, even if you achieve that success, what have you achieved?

Instead of having fun and going crazy and (almost) literally living like there is no tomorrow, is it, in the long term, worth the financial success/stability etc if you work hard and purposely deny yourself hindering pleasures? And if so why?

If it's not too much to ask I'd like a range of opinions from the financially successful to un successful, from the happy to the sad and from those who have regrets and those who don't.

I'd also like to ask: What were your regrets? Was your hard work worth financial success? And why/ why not and also if you are happy, why are you happy? If you are sad, in relation to success, why?

Cheers, I'm having a life motivation blank and I'm trying to get out of the rut.




  1. Well, working hard in your youth would hopefully contribute to a degree of financial stability.  This very important if one day you plan to have a family.

    That's not to say that there isn't time for living hard and fast!

    Try to strike a balance.

  2. You can't focus your entire life on success. You should strive to be successful but you must be able to party every now and then to relieve stress if nothing else.   If you are making big money and having a good job it's not  worth it if you completely remove your self from fun and pleasures you must balance work and play, business and fun.

    I am a reliable source my friend I am  supervisor in a large business and If I or someone else makes one  mistake people will look at me first before they look at my workers and in a large company it's stressful that's why I go to the clubs or to a sports game every now and then to relax and take a break.

    I am happy with my job I make money and I love to have fun but I know that If I make one mistake people will look at me first I''ll get in trouble and that is not good but it gives me motivation to work hard and steady.

    Just keep your life in balance my friend and if I may use an old saying "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"

  3. I used to live day by day,playing, fooling, not caring; till there was school.

    I went to school, lived on day by day, longing for the last day in school.

    it came, and I continued with college - living day by day - working, having fun, chilling.

    after all, I found not what I had expected or planned, but something even better.

    I never forbid myself fun, though I did work hard for success. what you need is BALANCE.

    things did not always work out as I planned, but in the end - I don't regret anything. all these experiences made me who I am today, and I like that person.

    though I must admit that I wouldn't be too unhappy if some things had turned out another way ;-)

  4. pain and pleasure are parts of our life. they are with us all the time. if you entrust both your pain and pleasure, good and bad to the almighty and do your work on the right path sincerely in tune with nature will always makes you happy. god is the only friend and he will be with you when you are in need. be with him  by allowing him to construct your as he wishes by destroying your construction. try.

  5. Is success really worth it?

    Of cos!

    What have u achieved?

    More worth than u will ever realise otherwise why would so many pple conflicts one another in order to success? e.g. Office Politic, Government and Dog's politic. And some even use very meant method to win against all odd and some simple just successful as simple as abc. What u have achieved is what u wanna to have in your life. This is because everyone has a set of limitations to each of their own life. e.g. ask 100 pple to take a GCE O levels math tests, U will realise 100 of 100 has various score in their tests. of cos, there are exceptionally 1 or 2 are having the same score but common reason : mistakes in maths test vary.

    If so why? Various pple has various way of success. BUT, the only pple gives up their success cos they know they have reached their limitation. and some gives up at once because someone is stopping them to be successful and they know they can never win such as bad government dogs interupted their success. Can u win bad governments by alone? imao.

    If u are success, the only regrets will be your conscience. is your success clean? or your success stained someone's else blood in order for u to success. I know cos I am nearly Xtremly successful. heard pple say before? my happiness is build on your suffering? lol. After u are success, is your conscience free of guilt? haha..U R sad, fear and unhappy becos your conscience caught up with u all the times for the evil deeds u have done 2 be successful. because U fear of losing successful and pple seek vengence on u for what u did the last time.....

    whatever, cut the craps! imao....a bad conscience pple always ask stupid Q and native Q. hahaha CSI taught me well.

    by the way, Free of charge and no gst 2! In order to success and minimise the risk of lose, copycat the successful path of the rich and famous person, u will never go into the wrong path rather those talk and talk on paper only. imao. e.g. Bills Gates? too high standard? then follow those small and low profiler successor. u never go wrong. haha....

    also alway pick the right team to move on with u to successful. beware whistleblower and double crosser or traitors. these are my mistakes and now i correct it right away. haha...right, dog?

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