
Is sugar a mineral?

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  1. it isnt Guest13305912
    dumass thinking yu know every thing is not allright yu smart a*s.lil girl.

  2. Guest13305912 you sound like an idiot.. granted you're probably 8-9 you still sound like an idiot.

  3. omg i'm like so confused right now IS IT..?

  4. im back listen im a young girl and i outwiped all u adults so ha ha beat that!

  5. u ppl r idoits. sugar is definetly a mieral and people have proof. i do. in my harcourt book a mineral is a nonliving substance that can have crystal in which sugar does. so all ppl who said sugar isn't a mineral u need to see if ur brain is leaking and make sure u have a brain!

  6. By definition from "The Manual of Mineral Science 23rd Edition" by Klein and Dutrow,

    "A mineral is a naturally occurring solid with a highly ordered atomic arrangement and a definite (but not necessarily fixed), homogeneous chemical composition. Minerals are "usually" formed by inorganic processes"

    I believe through this definition, Sugar could be considered a mineral.

    -Naturally occurring: Derived from plants and animals, natural pure state at STP is crystalline.

    -Highly ordered atomic arrangement: occurs in definite molecular arrangements

    -Definite (not fixed) chemical composition:  basic carbohydrate structures with variations; sucrose, fructose, glucose, etc.

    -"Usually" formed by inorganic processes:  Similar to Calcite from mollusk and coral and Aragonite from human teeth.  all of which are considered minerals of organic origin.

    However this is still a gray area since this it seems has not been heavily debated.  The only difference I can see is that all of the "organic" minerals are of animal origin whereas as sugar is mostly plant based.
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