
Is surfing related to skateboarding?

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If you know how to skateboard and balance on the skate board, is it that much harder to learn how to surf. What else do you have to learn?




  1. You should watch the movies Dogtown and Z-Boys which profile both sports and people who enjoy both.

    The films do a great job of showing the similarities between surfing and skateboarding.

    So much of surfing involves searching for good waves, paddling out, waiting, and then riding for a few moments. It's not like skateboarding where you can just up and ride for awhile. Like a skate park, surfing has rules about respect and sharing.

    If you want to learn more about surfing visit your nearest surf shop and take a lesson. They cover pretty much everything in one day and then you're on your own. You can rent equipment if you don't have a board or anything.

  2. not really the position is but nothing else....the wipe out is like it too

  3. no nothing like it i have skate for many years and suf for 1 not much in comon

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