
Is swimming good for loosing weight?

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Is swimming good for loosing weight?




  1. yes I lost 6 pounds last year swimming

  2. yes

    it's even better than walking

    because the water helps support your weight taking

    pressure off of your joints.

    the water also provides resistance.

    oh and it's just more fun.

  3. Yes, especially if you're large, because swimming in contrast to running doesn't put pressure on your joints. But make sure you're swimming for at least 30 minutes.

  4. I am afraid to tell you,that swimming does not make you loose weight , it is only good for your physical body

  5. Yes it is kind of. One of my friends started swimmming a few months ago but gained 10 pounds. it is barley fat adn they are starting to build more muscle. Muscle is helps make you wiegh a little more but it is better than fat so it is a great work out. Im a full time swimmer i lost some wieght not trying to so it helps.

  6. yes of course.. good cardio

  7. Swimming is actually great for your health and for losing weight. Swimming uses almost all of your major muscle groups. It places a vigorous demand on your heart and lungs. Swimming is also popular with people who are extremely overweight, pregnant, or suffering from some kind of injury.

  8. Yes it is.  I lost weight and toned up in only a few weeks by swimming laps every evening at the Y.  After you get into the routine it's very relaxing, low impact, almost effortless and the best part is you never sweat.  Alternate breast stroke and back stoke, You don't have to push yourself, take it slow and easy, concentrate of cupping your hand and making the most of each stroke  it gets easier as you go along.  Pass the time by singing a little song in your head, and swim your way to fitness.  It works your whole body.  I can't say enough about how well this works if you stick to it and do it on a regular basis. Take a break from time to time.  I forgot to mention that little flip everybody does at each end looks SO cool.  Surprisingly easy to do.


    Good luck,


  9. Yes, it is great exercise. Many people think that swimming won't be the best thing to do when you want to shed those pounds. The reason they believe that is because we don't sweat when we swim, but that doesn't mean we don't use energy. We use energy for every movement we make. Ever wonder why your so thirsty after a long swim? It's because you lose water...Even while your in Water!!! You also burn calories.

  10. Swimming is good for losing weight, and depending on your condition, it might be your best option.

    Nothing beats walking/running. It's the ultimate way to burn fat. But for some people, it puts a lot of strain on your joints. The elliptical machine is usually a safe choice for its low impact on the knees. But if you can't do either, swimming is your best shot. Make sure you swim long enough to get your heart rate going for at least 20 minutes. Which means you probably have to swim for at least 30 minutes.

  11. Yes it is. It's all round excersice for the whole body and is low impact too as we're bouyant and weightless in the water. Go for it.

  12. Yes, swimming is great for loosing weight, it gets your cardiovasular system running well, and you use your stomach muscles to float, and it is alround good exercise. It works all your muscles (arms/legs for paddling, stomach muscles for floating). It also gets your heart rate up, so you loose weight well

    Good luck

    x C

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