
Is the IQ 103 good?

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I got a 103 IQ and i was wondering if it's a good thing or bad...




  1. An IQ of 100 is the national average. That means if you gave an IQ test to everyone in a country, the highest percentage of people will have an IQ of 100. On each side of this average would be those with an IQ less than, or more than 100.

    103 is a bit above average. That means you are very normal, and that is a good thing. An IQ of 90-110 is within the normal intelligence range.

    IQ doesn't measure all forms of intelligence. It leaves out emotional, artistic, kinesthetic and other traits or skills that are important to success in life. That is why a person that appears to be scatterbrained in some areas can sketch a very realistic picture, or play a musical instrument, or dance wonderfully. Or why a person that is brilliant with technical things (high IQ) may not have a clue when it comes to emotional or artistic things.

  2. its average, getting closer to below average. Work on studying more and try again, studying more will help your logic skills

  3. It depends, where you took the test.

  4. One hundred is supposed to be average, so that is above average.
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