
Is the Spanish BasketBall team racist?

by Guest64863  |  earlier

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Have a look at this picture the Spanish team took before the Olympics.

It shows the Spanish team widening their eyes with their fingers to look Chinese. Shocking to say the least.




  1. Of Course they only want Spaniards playing. If the U.s had a nasty player mixed with spanish and american he'll be playing. while if he was on spain he be sitting in the bleachers

  2. I find it pretty racist, even if it wasn't intended to me.

    I'm sure most Asians take offense when they see people doing that.

  3. If the Spanish team were putting on blackface and enlarging their lips to look like black players, nobody will think they were just "joking around", and David Stern might suspend the players. Making racial caricatures of the Chinese is no different and the NBA should announce in a press conference that they condemn this. Maybe the players thought it was a joke, but the marketing whizzes from the company that made the ad were certainly racist. The players may not have meant harm but they should apologize now that they understand. As someone who lives near Toronto I will never look at Jose Calderon the same way again and will likely boo him the next time he plays for the Raptors. Too bad China didn't win yesterday (though it wasn't unexpected) - I didn't find out about this until after the game and I would've cheered for China harder if I had known. I'm not normally a USA fan but I hope they (maybe even Germany tonight) kick Spain's *** this Saturday.  

  4. awh **** ***** thass mad funny hahahaahahahahahahaha

    and i always thouht white people were racist

    every second every hour kkk tryna devour

    obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama obama vote for obamaa hahah funny ****

  5. I think they were just playing around.

  6. I think that they were being racist.

    That was not necessary at all, and they should not have done it.

    But lets not forget people view racism differently around the world, but I still think it was pretty racist.

    Stupid move by the the Spanish team

  7. Yea, that was cold. No matter, China will get their revenge. But if Yao and them can't do anything, the U.S. will thrash them. =)

  8. I really hope and pray that they will lose to China and be beaten badly for what they have done.

    G0t it? Go0d!!!!

  9. yup thats racist and cold. they should get kicked off the olympics.

  10. I could see how this could easily be misconceived as racist and insensitive, but keep in mind that they were probably just joking around and it went a little too far.

  11. lol okay that is messed up!!! id execpt more from Pau Gasol as he is on that team and Sun Yue will be is teammate. ugh thats rude Spain, USA wll kill you for that. thats so freakin racist grow up!!

  12. Im a huge lakers fan but seriously Pau Gasol needs to be traded for tht gesture, i dont care if they made him do that or not i wouldnt take part in it either way.

    I too hope china beats them as well cuz that would be bitter sweet for china. =)

  13. lol who doesnt do tht?

  14. Absolutely that racist and really really stupid.  You'd think in this day and age people would have better sense especially when they are being hosted by an Asian nation.  It doesn't surprise me though, they knew what they were doing.

  15. I think the questions of whether they "are" racist or were joking are irrelevant.

    Their actions were racist.  That picture is ridiculous, and they should feel embarrassed that they were a part of it.

    Spain has had a lot of immigrants in the last 10-20 years, and they're going to need to get their **** together as the second-generation grows up.

  16. As usual another story involving racisim to add to spains already damaged sports reputation. I cant really say that they are all racist because im sure they are not but this is not helping spanish sport as well as its peoples reputation. Soon many people are going to think that spain is really racist and going to say thinks like me " From what iv seen and heard, Spain seems pretty backwards to me".

  17. probably

  18. I think this is a national problem in Spain and some other European countries, and it is quite a shame that developed countries are stepping backward on respecting the others - they just put their reputation into serious jeopardy, potentially transforming themselves into political idiots.

  19. YES!   Grown men acting like fools!

  20. i dont see nothing wrong with that, who hasent done that with their eyes, i do it all the time

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