
Is the UK really that great?

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I've always wanted to visit there or perhaps even live, but I've never seen any more of it than pictures. Please tell me about it..the pros and cons.




  1. The UK has something for everyone but not all in the same place, Amazing countryside with small villages etc. relay nice warm beaches in the south and dramatic countryside in the north. London is only good for tourists, it has amazing museums and gallery's but isn't very nice. Lots of history and interesting things to see and do.

  2. every country has it's good bits and bad bits, and the Uk is no different. The Uk is full of beautiful scenery, rich in culture and history, however, the way it is made out to be in the movies and in stories is flase, and to be honest, it's a country on a slippery slope down at the moment.

    Crime rates are high, Taxes are very high, House prices are very high, living costs are very high, too many people live here, it's overcrowded, it's dirty in parts, and there are just far too many immigrants, and poverty is rife throughout many aeas of the country unfortunatley, because of what the current government has done to us

    some areas are worse than others. I grew up in quite a rough area, it was run down, dirty, people got stabbed alot, beaten up, mugged. But where i live now, is a thankfully a peaceful village in the rolling hills of the pennines in Northern England, and it's lovely.

    but for all it's flaws, it's still my home and i love this country and i'm proud to be British

    Rule Britannia

    Edit: To NeoNerd

    Statistics may well show crime is falling, and Police are meeting their targets, but they are meeting those targets by arresting people for petty crime to bump the figures up to make it seem like they are doing a sterling Job. You can't tell me that thrity years ago, there was this many stabbings, murders and muggings occuring. Britain is turning into a very violent society. I can't go out on a Friday or Saturday night without seeing someone being attacked, bottled or stabbed, and it certanily wasn't like that years back

    House prices may well be falling currently, but when your buying a 4 bedroom detached house for £500'000, and the same size house in the United States would only cost around half of that, it means house prices are high.

    and accusing me of racism, because i'm angry about the state of immiration. Get off your moral high ground. When British Born people are stuggling to find work, because Immigrants are being employed instead of them because thye are cheaper, something is seriously wrong. I Have nothing against immigration when it is controlled well, but it hasn't been, and the numbers of immigrants has gone out of control

    and there is no way living costs are falling are you mad. Have you seen the price of Petrol and diesel recently, they are going up every day, Food prices have inflated by nealry 10% over the past few months. My weekely shop at tesco has gone form £80 to £110 a week in thelast few months, the price of electricty, the price of gas, the price of water ... everything is going up

  3. It has it's good and bad bits. However:

    "Crime rates are high, Taxes are very high, House prices are very high, living costs are very high, too many people live here, it's overcrowded, it's dirty in parts, and there are just far too many immigrants, and poverty is rife throughout many "aeas of the country unfortunatley, because of what the current government has done to us"

    Crime is at a thirty year low.

    Taxes are high.

    House prices and living costs falling.

    Immigrants are a boon, but just not to racists.

    "When British Born people are stuggling to find work, because Immigrants are being employed instead of them because thye are cheaper, something is seriously wrong"

    Thats economics for you. You wouldn't have your car, clothes, TV or PC without cheap labour abroad. If native born Britons want a job, they can get it. I've got one- it's entry level, no qualifications required.

    I don't think you understand about the crime. High numbers of arrests would boost crime rates. Convictions and reported crime are down, since the peak in 1995. Violent crime peaked in '95.

  4. the UK is great!! I feel its a very homely country with nice people with a great culture. Theres the added advantage of seeing 4 different countries (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales) and we have free and good health service:)

    I think the only thing that will bug you will be the bloody immigrants... but i guess you get them in most countries!

  5. There are some absolutely gorgeous parts of the U.K. but unfortunately, everyone seems to think they revolve around London, which is like saying there is no part of the U.S.deserving of a visit but New York.

    I have just come back from a trip to Cornwall, that has literally blown me away with it's beauty, charm, and friendliness.Coming from a big City in England, even I didn't know such beauty existed in England. I was witness to awesome scenery, peacefull countryside, and welcoming people, which you DON'T get in London, and I cannot understand just WHY people think our Capital is so appealing, when England offers so much more than a dirty, crowded, polluted, unfriendly City, when places like Cornwall Devon, Dorset, the Lake District, Worcestershire, the Cotswolds, and all the other beautiful green places go un-visited by our friends across the water.

    I have told you about the "cons" which are our big ugly Cities, now come and visit the "pros," and get back to me, and tell me you too were not blown away by their awesome beauty.

    I have just come back from a visit to a most tranquil village in S.E. Cornwall, where everyone says "hello" to you, no matter who you are, or where you are from, there are no police cars, sirens, or people killing each other, and we sat out in the most beautiful English scenery every night, with a bottle of wine, and nothing but the night life,(bats,foxes, badgers,and stars like I have never seen the like of before.) If you experiment with your computer, you can visit these places too. I will give you some clues, as to their location, and can only hope you take my advice, and AVOID the big Cities of England, as they offer nothing that you have not seen in your own back yard. England is Beautiful, and as a person born in England, I am only just discovering it's real gems myself.

  6. Is great!

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