my sister has 2 male beta's in 2 separate vases, and in a different tank; 2 black mollies, and 7 other fish that i don't know the breed of but all seven are the same breed. The day after she bought them, she woke up to find she had 27 (she counted) black mollies and 5 more of the other fish. right now they are in a ten gallon tank, is this big enough for them?
I will be getting all of her fish temporarily, and i have a 20 gallon tank with 2 neon tetras, and a female beta, a 1 1/2 gallon vase with filter which has a male beta, a 2.5 gallon tank with sea monkeys, and a 5 gallon tank with a green spotted puffer fish (saltwater). Should i put my sister's fish with my fish? (My sister and i do not live together ) which tank should i put them in? will my fish be okay with them? do you know anything about black mollies?
Also what fish are the other ones? Most of them are white with black spots all over, they aren't guppies, they are a little bigger then the black mollies, and some are orange.