
Is the world worth saving?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously. We whine and whine about the state of the environment, but the reality is that we seemed more concerned with the continuing dominance of our species. We're not destroying the earth, but our own habitat (along with quite a few other species, I admit). Perhaps we should just step back, let it happen, and hope that the next dominant species makes a better job of it. After all, I bet the dinosaurs didn't grow beards, drive hybrid cars, and buy the Big Issue in the mistaken belief that it makes a blind bit of difference. They just DIED.




  1. I think the world is worth saving. As we are the most dominant species on our planet, I personally think that the succeeding species will be far worse in the grand scheme of things. I mean we know as much as we do because of previous inhabitants, as will our successors. Unless they are far more intelligent and realise that Hybird cars are not useful and half of them cannot be recycle and the part that can take up far more energy then normal cars thus rendering the notion utterly useless. So as to giving up on the world I say no, giving up on out pointless self destructing species is debatable.    

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