
Is their something wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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i cant eat meat, my boyfriend just took me out to a seafood resturant and i orderd lobster. I COULDNT EAT IT. i just kept thinking of it a live and stuff. and like i tried to swallow it but it felt like i was going to barf.




  1. Maybe you are just realising that the things we eat once lived. But put it this way, most animals are bred to be killed and if you dont eat them they will be dying for no reason.!!

  2. No I don't think there's anything wrong with you. You're fine. Don't beat yourself up. Just become a vegetarian.

  3. theres nothing wrong with you at all. i mean i cannot watch an animal die then eat that type of animal or eat fish. everyone has different eating habits are different. so its normal to be not normal ok. i hope this answers your question

  4. I can't eat meat either, seafood doesn't bother me as much, but thinking about a cow or a chicken living and then eating it makes me ill as well...nothing is wrong with just want to eat humanely and I don't blame you.

  5. I'm 38, and it is very hard for me to see raw meat, and then cook it, and then eat it. And I won't eat deer meat because of "Bambi". I do eat meat sometimes at home, but it's hard. Now if I go out and eat, I'm fine. Chicken is really bad, with the skin on it. I think of human skin. So that is why I buy skinless boneless chicken breast!

    Remember too, the veggies you eat were alive at one time too!!!

  6. sounds like yo uwant to be a vegetarian? i've been one for 8 years for animal reasons =]

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