
Is there a Spider In you..???

by  |  earlier

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In this crazy world, there's to many lies and no truth

People with to much guilt, people sleeping in booths

And everyday I walk in everyone's way

On my way to school not knowing what to say

In my life I life with a curse thats unknown

I see spiders in people, what my eyes only known

For what I learned these spiders are just guilt and lies

Untold love, hidden secrets, and people who can't say their good-byes

They come in all different shapes and colors of all kind

What secrets do they hold, wondering in my mind

Going insane, I grabbed the spider out of some ladies chest

I open my hand, theres a spider thats red with a crest

Something told me to eat it, so I did, and to my surprise

It was delicious of untold magics and lies

She had killed her husband a month back

She made it look like he had a heart attack

After the vision of killing the innocent man

A smile ran across my face, it sweet taste and the hunt began

I hit the school to see what findings would be waiting

Girls with purple spiders of guilt and boys with green for hating

Teachers with orange of sin, filth and discus

The principle full of grey for the he use to drink and cuss

The mayor filled with corruption as a dark blue

I took from him thats how I knew

These spiders are also regrets, loses, lies no one ever told

I grab your spider from within you and behold

All your secrets in the palm of my hand

Do you know what color it is, and what brand?

Everything that you could never tell, there in your sight

Gone never remembered, you forgot it all, no hassle, no fights

My addiction is growing at a very rapid pace

Just wait, you might just see my twisted face

And I'll take the spider form inside of you

Taking away all the pain, and there's nothing you can do.




  1. No there isn't....

  2. bare with me a sec....let me check......

    nope no spider in me. :)  

  3. theres a fly in me!


  4. There better not be!!!!!

  5. Shhh...shhh....hush now...

    Tell me something.  You can see the "spiders", and their colors....

    But what can you *do* with them?  Eating them is just end up feeling things not your own.

    Can you even make things out of the spiders?  Or are you just opening them up, exposing raw power just to see it burn?

    ^_^  You'd amuse me if I hadn't seen the metaphor before.  And to think you, gentle Asker, wasted all this time quoting lyrics, dotting t's and crossing i's....

    Heh.  You have no idea.   Metal lyrics aside.

  6. Is that a poem? And lol there's no spider in me!

  7. No there's no spider in me.

  8. Well there might be, apparently we eat spiders in our sleep :O

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