
Is there a cure for procrastination??

by  |  earlier

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school starts tomorrow and i still have to do all of my AP summer work :]




  1. I wish!

  2. Get off the internet.  ;)

    The only cure for procrastination is to find another activity sooo bad that it makes the work you've been avoiding look enjoyable.

    And btw, why'd you sign up for AP courses if you don't take the assignments seriously?  Just askin'...

  3. get off you butt and do you work stop getting distracted

    with the computer. put away, turn off all devices and do you

    ap summer work unless it involves researching then you can

    use the computer but other than that get off your butt and do

    your summer work

  4. I don't know...ask me later~! LOL...

    But SERIOUSLY BOY...what are you thinking? Get your BUTT in there and get it the computer...turn off the cell and GET TO WORK....NOOOOOW!!!

  5. Will-power

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