
Is there a diesese where.......?

by  |  earlier

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i intenteionally want to get sick??? I am always hoping i will get sick, and alot of times even try to like sleeping under a fan w/ wet hair, walking in the rain, stuff like that




  1. u need to see a phyciatrist

  2. what the h**l is wrong with you! how old are you?? are you one of those kids that want so badly not to go to school or something?

    if you want to skip school just fake a stomach ache when your having breakfast, but for this you have to be a good actor

  3. Honestly sometimes I get so depressed that I get myself sick. Just out of curiousity are you looking for attention elsewhere?

    Not necessarily missing school but perhaps attention from people? Sometimes getting sick just leads to forgetting your real issues.

    How successful are you with getting sick on purpose...? Do you feel better when you are sick as opposed to being healthy?  

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