
Is there a disorder for.....?

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like not being able to remember things?

i sit and class and really pay attention and im like really happy that day cause i get what my teacher is talking about and i get into the conversations that we have in class about it.

but then the next day i just dont get it! its like i never learned it! and im getting so mad and just giving up on my class work! ive had this problem for awhile! my grade school tested me when i was in 3rd grade and said there was nothing wrong with me. but now im a sophomore in high school and i need to start passing my classes so i can graduate! thats so important to me! but right now im NEVER going to graduate at the rate im going with no help! i ask for it but i never get it! my mom e-mailed my school and now they said they are going to test me again. but im scared that they r going to say there is nothing wrong again and nothing will be done! i just cant take failing any more!!!!!!!!




  1. Go for your counselling teacher and ask for help.

  2. if your parents ask the school to assess you for an educational disability, they have to. that may be a good place to start. also, try taking notes in class, or even using a tape recorder- and then review anything that you don't remember inthe evening.

  3. It's not a simple diagnosis but you might want to look into attention deficit disorder.   People with normal intelligence or above and no concrete learning disability can still be affected by attention deficit.  It is not easily noticeable when it is just inattention type without hyperactivity.  Smart children often compensate for their attention deficit so it goes unnoticed.  You might ask your parents if they had similar problems at school.  If it often inherited.

    Often you hear, you think you are paying attention , people think you are paying attention, but you kind blank out.  Later you don't recall what they said or what you read and you just have to keep going back to redo the work which takes longer.  Executive functions / organizational skills don't come easy.  The following article was published in educator's magazine.  Check it out to see if article applies to you.  It's not at all what people think typically of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

    Good luck.

  4. This could be 'executive dysfunction'.

    Why is the school doing testing? To see what you have?

    Schools do NOT do testing  'just to see' what you have. They ONLY do testing to see if a child can qualify for special education services.

    They sometimes do 'unofficial' testing, but as far as getting help it means nothing, schools can NOT offer help WITHOUT doing FORMAL testing.  And the ONLY formal testing schools do is to see if a child can qualify for special ed.

    By law, schools do NOT have to help with ANY problem a child has UNLESS a child has a 504 plan or in special ed.

    If they are NOT going to do testing to see if you can qualify for special ed, don't do it. ONLY do the testing that sees if you can qualify for special ed.

    They can not and will not help you unless you do the testing for special ed.

    If you do the testing for special ed eligibility and they say you don't qualify, your parent can WRITE to the district sped director and ask for an 'independent educational evaluation'  this is where the school pays for an eval for you to do, and your PARENT chooses the dr. that does this.

    THen the school will use this new eval to see if you qualify for special ed services.

    Oh yea, sometimes schools will help kids in a program called 'intervention services' but it is NOT special ed and they do NOT do LEGAL help in this program. They can stop it at any time or really don't have to do anything at all because it's not legal.

    Tell your parents to go to and learn the special ed laws and process that schools and parents must follow. Parents don't know these laws exist and schools aint' about to tell them.

    If parents knew about the laws and follow them, more kids could qualify for special ed because they will know if the laws are being followed or not.

  5. We all learn differently.But one thing that helps learning is repetition. If you read a chapter ahead in your schoolbooks, then go to class and listen to the teacher, then go home and do the homework or read the chapter again, you increase yor chances of remembering. For formulae and other specific info, it helps to make flashcards you can take along and look at during breaks, when you wait in line, etc.

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