
Is there any bible verses ?

by Guest32281  |  earlier

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relating to depression,lonliness, or anorexia or anything of that sort. I feel sick to my stomach when I eat food and so alone.




  1. Matthew 6:33

  2. When feeling down or over my head I personally find Psalms to be an excellent read to lift my spirits. Reading God's numerous promises and placing your trust in God to fulfil them will always work. You also need to find a good church where others will pray with and for you. This church must believe and teach all the truths of the Bible. The power of the Holy Spirit is incredible and can heal all wounds, break all addictions, transform any life. I would also recommend some advice from a physician to assist you in your struggles. Some people are born with a susceptibility to depression because of an imbalance of chemicals.

  3. lonliness:  Genesis 28:15 God is with me and will keep watch over me with care wherever I may go. 1Samuel 12:22 The lord will not forsake me for his great name's sake, fo it has pleased him to make me one of his people.. Psalms 25:16 IF my mother and father abandon me, the Lord would welcome and comfort me.  Psalms 46:1 GOD is my refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.

    Depression: Psalms 3:3 God is my shield, my glory and the lifter of my head. Psalms 34: 15 The eyes of the lord are on me, and his ears are open to my cry, when I cry out, the Lord hears and delivers me out of all my troubles.  Psalms 42:5 Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? I fix my eyes on God and soon Ill be praising again, he puts a smile on my face, Hes MY GOD.

    Health and Healing: Psalms 30:2 I cry out to the Lord and he heals me.  Psalms 107:20 He sends his word and heals me and recues me from the pit and destruction. Psalms 147: 3  He heals my broken heart and binds up my wounds ( curing my pain and sorrow ) Jeremiah 30:17 The Lord has declared that He will restore me to health and heal my wounds.  

  4. It isn't loneliness that is killing you, but being unloved.  The two are often confused, but are quite different.  Spending your time with devils will not relieve your depression.  Your spirit is dying, and unless you do something soon, more grief will follow.  Darkness presses in on you like a thick blanket, and I'll bet that sometimes it takes more effort than you have just to move.  Although these types of feelings can be hormonal - especially if you have just had a baby or are taking birth control - you would be reluctant to ask complete strangers for help if you had someone who loved you in your life.  

    I recommend that you find someone who is full of love and ask to speak with them for a few minutes.  I also recommend that you identify those behaviors in your life that may be attracting the attention of devils, and repent of them.  Finally, I would advise you to pour out your heart in prayer, and reconnect to your father in heaven.  If you ask for help, help will come.

    By the way, my favorite scripture for when I am depressed is not in the bible, but in the Book of Mormon.  Read from verse 12 forward.

    This scripture was dubbed by an early LDS writer as the Song of Nephi, but it is more like a spiritual poem or prayer.

  5. Bible verses?  Perhaps if you suspect you have either an eating disorder, depression or both you should seek the aid of a doctor, counselor, psychiatrist or psychologist.

  6. I think a visit to the doctor is best for those sort of things

  7. The Bible shows that we need others to help us. I don't know your situation but you might consider this from James

    14 Is there anyone sick among YOU? Let him call the older men of the congregation to [him], and let them pray over him, greasing [him] with oil in the name of Jehovah. 15 And the prayer of faith will make the indisposed one well, and Jehovah will raise him up. Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him.

    Talk to those you trust in your faith, ask for their help. Usually they have counselors that may aid you.

    Also trust that God has a purpose for the earth and will bring all his promises to the full.

    Isaiah 33:24 And no resident will say: “I am sick.” The people that are dwelling in [the land] will be those pardoned for their error.

    Revelation 21:3 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

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